Page 18 - January 2020 IIssue new year
P. 18
The Spectrum of Death: Perspective on News Coverage
tion, or in our neighborhood, or the ages come, and for our sake, and the sake of
of our spouse, or children, or siblings, our family, friends, neighbors and people B
or parents. We might see fatalities from in general, look to be vigilante, and to R
weather, or terrorism, or mass shootings. take actions, to close them all. O
Overwhelmingly, though, these briefings W
would show deaths from heart attacks, ________________________________ A
cancer, auto accidents, lung disease, ________________________________ R
suicides, drowning, elderly falls, and the ______ D
like and only rarely deaths caused by
mass shootings, air crashes, weather and For More Thoughts - To get added U
terrorism. perspectives on this and other subject N
areas, visit the website The Human I
Imagine every adult received such a Intellect. The site contains a wealth V
briefing, across the country, in all the of short and medium length discus- E
towns and cities and states. Maybe indi- sions on topics ranging from ethics to R
viduals would begin to ignore the brief- Einstein, as well as a selection of a few S
ing, but maybe, and I would judge very longer articles such as this one. I
likely, the national discussion would T
shift, as would our individual actions. About the Author - My background Y
We would be no less concerned about includes engineering and business,
terrorism, but become much more con- and my interests cover philosophy, 2
cerned about actions, public, corporate, theology and science, as well as sports, 0
academic and individual, to reduce and hiking and umpiring. My intellectual 2
survive from heart attacks, or to uncover focus centers on finding consistency 0
the hidden, complex indicators of an and synergies between the great mas-
individual ready to commit suicide, or terpieces of human intellect, including
to understand whether and what items religion, physics and ethics.
trigger cancer, and eliminate or forestall
Death stalks us all. The media reports for
us the doors through which many hor-
rific causes of death enter our world. But
we should be mindful of all the doors,
all the causes, through which death can