Page 51 - January 2020 IIssue new year
P. 51
Impact of Corporal Punishment on the Students in Primary and Secondary Schools
recting students’ deviant alternatives to non-violent that those teachers would
or violent behavior and the disciplinary techniques for example have a perma-
role of teacher would be and behavior-management nent mark in their career
exclusively for teaching techniques early through file, have delay in their
and reporting the students’ the faculty of education promotion, or be pre-
progress to their princi- where they first learn the vented from receiving any
pals. In order to empower basics of teaching. The kind of usual incentives.
and activate the social two years of training they
worker’s mission in moni- spend in schools before Considering disciplinary
toring policy enforcement graduation would be an techniques, educators need
and reporting policy vio- appropriate venue to prac- to find means of punish-
lation, they should report tice those techniques and ment that are not degrad-
directly to the Ministry of discuss with their profes- ing or humiliating to stu-
Education. So, instead of sors the challenges they dents to communicate a
having a general inspec- face. Later, upon actual message to the students
tor who comes to school recruitment, they ought to that it is the misbehavior
once or twice per semes- receive regular training by that is being punished
ter to evaluate teachers’ the ministry or specialized not the student himself.
performance in class and NGOs as part of a piloted One of the most proac-
make sure that everything program. Teachers who tive means of discipline is
is going well, with the exhibit commitment and “Meaningful Work” which
social worker’s assistance, excellence in such training curbs the student’s misbe-
the whole school would be could be awarded a pro- havior through assigning
consistently committed. fessional certificate from tasks to them such as rais-
a reputable educational ing the flag for a while,
With regard to the teacher, organization. As a neces- helping out in the school’s
it is obvious that most sary complement to the cafeteria or any other
teachers lack proper quali- promotional and training tasks that require physi-
fications as indicated in programs, there should be cal effort. This strategy is
previous sections. The a well-developed deterrent apparently one of the best
process of qualifying policy for teachers who ones because ostensibly
teachers and continuing still use corporal punish- it incurs punishment but
their development should ment despite training. actually it satisfies the stu-
start at early stages. To Depending on the size of dent’s need to feel impor-
start from scratch, teachers policy violation, the sanc- tant by doing something
should be acquainted with tion policy would state useful. Another example