Page 52 - January 2020 IIssue new year
P. 52
Impact of Corporal Punishment on the Students in Primary and Secondary Schools
proposed as an alternative the overall numbers of
to corporal punishment is suspension days exceeded It can be concluded also B
to increase the time spent a maximum number. from the research find- R
on doing school-related Conclusion ings that corporal punish- O
tasks such as by giving ment is not seen by most W
extra homework. In-class The research findings parents or teachers as an A
time outs also would be a proved a positive relation effective means of disci- R
good alternative technique between administrative pline, although a minority D
which aims at temporary acceptance and the use see it as somewhat useful.
isolation for the student of corporal punishment Thus, there should be suf- U
from the class to give in schools in the sense ficient support for non-vi- N
them a chance to calm that school administrators olent means of discipline I
down and rethink his or themselves practice cor- if they are properly select- V
her mistake. Additionally, poral punishment. More- ed and implemented. This E
the student could be pun- over, they deal passively result denies the tradition- R
ished through depriving with parents’ complaints, al assumption that corpo- S
his or her from participat- do not communication ral punishment helps stu- I
ing in any of the school’s with parents, hardly apply dents to study and behaves T
activities or from taking a sanction on teachers vio- well, and maintains the Y
break. Finally, there could lating law, and have failed teachers’ respect in class.
be a daily progress sheet to activate the role the so- Conversely, the findings 2
for each student where cial worker. The research support a conclusion that 0
teachers can take notes of findings also proved a violence triggers more 2
the student’s misbehav- direct relation between violence among students, 0
ior. This sheet would be social acceptance and the creates a grudge against
sent daily to the student’s use of corporal punish- teachers and the school,
parents to involve them ment in schools in terms and causes students to
in reforming the student’s of practicing corporal challenge teachers.
misbehavior and keep punishment at home with
them updated with the children, poor follow up In response to the study
student weaknesses. In with the school, approval findings that conforms
cases where none of these of corporal punishment in to our hypothesis, rec-
approaches work, suspen- school, and refrain from ommendations were
sion for some days could reporting actively their formulated to deal with
be used as a punishment children exposure to cor- school-based factors and
resulting in expulsion if poral punishment. family-based reasons for