Page 66 - January 2020 IIssue new year
P. 66

Why Serial Killers Do What They Do

        begging them to stop, they  ing put into play, it makes
        have to lose consciousness  people wonder, why do                         Mr. Conroy discusses in

        and                                  serial killers kill? Is it           an article titled “What
                                             something that they are              Makes A Serial Killer?”
        have a limp body, so the             born with? Maybe some-               weather serial killers have

        killer knows what they               thing genetically passed             some type of gene that
        are doing. According to

        the Chicago Tribune,
        Gacy murdered 33 young
        men, 29 of which were

        buried in and around his
        own home (Chicago Trib-

        ute, n.d.). The remaining
        4 were found in rivers
        throughout Illinois (Chi-

        cago Tribute, n.d.).

        Gacy would lure young
        men to his house, kill
        them and then bury then

        on his property (10 Most
        Deranged Serial Killers

        of All Time, n.d.). It was
        as if he wanted to keep
        the bodies as prizes he

        won from the carnival.
        Police personnel exca-                                                                                   Photo Courtesy of

        vated 27 bodies from the             on? Or maybe something               was given to them or if it
        crawl space located inside  happened to make them                         was from the type of en-
        the home of John Wayne               do these awful, unfore-              vironment, they were in.

        Gacy, one body was ex-               seen acts. As we take a              He discusses that majority
        cavated from under the               step deeper into the serial          of the serial killers have

        garage and one more was              killer territory, we begin           something in common,
        located in his backyard              by walking with J Oliver             which is they go through
        (Perry, 2018).                       Conroy, a writer/journalist  some sort of traumatic

        With all these facts be-             from New York.                       experience within their

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