Page 62 - January 2020 IIssue new year
P. 62

The Fourth Amendment Wthin the Criminal Justice System

        investigation was not done  in a case, does not neces-                    legal searches would be

        in the defendant’s home.             sitate a warrant. It might           unlimited. Surveillance               B
        This will also lead me to            exonerate the government  and invasion of privacy                          R
        conclude that insisting on           agents from issuing a war- can be achieved from any                        O

        the terms “his home” let             rant before searching and            place in the world.                   W
        us assume that whether a             seizing a house or a car                                                   A

        person is at home or not             for example. If this theory  Nevertheless, the freedom                     R
        will tip the outcomes of a           stands, can we presume               intended by our Constitu-             D
        ruling.                              that the shared ownership            tion is not absolute, it has

        When a house is a “prop-             should include an addi-              limitations specially when            U
        erty” or “their property”            tional warrant or a warrant  a lawful reason to act exist                  N

        it means that the person             under a different person,            and the public good justi-            I
        really and fully owns the            what if the house is par-            fies police action. In more           V
        house as defined under               tially owned by a mort-              than one case, the U.S.               E

        the legal terms, otherwise  gage company or other                         Supreme Court stated that             R
        it merely stands as if the           shareholders, shouldn’t              Law enforcement officials             S

        citizen claiming the fourth  the warrant be addressed                     have a duty to protect the            I
        amendment protection, is             to different persons? Think  society from crimes and                       T
        just having an interest in           about it from a purely le-           reasonable suspicion is a             Y

        the house without being              gal point interpreted to the  base to act for the public
        a full owner (14). Also              letter. There is a difference  good. Under the heat of                     2

        based on Justice Sotomay- between protection of                           an incident or after asking           0
        or it gives the power to             property and protection of  questions and receiving                        2
        control a property which             one’s privacy and whether  information about a sus-                        0

        can extend to control its            there is an environment              pect or a dangerous situa-
        transfer, sale and other             harvesting the expectation  tion there is an emergency

        transactions. Such cases             of privacy.                          and a duty to act that can
        will also include a mort-            We are not going to ex-              be considered a waiver to
        gage, a rent or else. When  pand our study and touch                      warrants. The Plain view

        a person cannot fully                on the type of people cov-           doctrine waives warrants
        transfer a property, the             ered by the fourth amend-            under the Horton test and

        ownership is questioned.             ment or the difference               is a limitation to the fourth
        In other words, a search             between citizens (23) and            amendment.
        of a house that is not com- regular people because                        Some of the changes of

        pletely and solely owned             with the advances of tech-           circumstances would in-
        by the person involved               nology the borders of our            clude terrorism attacks,

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