Page 58 - January 2020 IIssue new year
P. 58

The Fourth Amendment Wthin the Criminal Justice System




        people are becoming more  ableness and warrant, then                                Photo Courtesy of  I

        protective of their privacy  comes divers’ interpreta-                    ous cases, particularly               V
        due to the easiness of               tions of reasonableness              with the advancement of               E

        breaking into it and Amer- and probable cause (19).                       technology (16) that pose             R
        ica is eager to defend its           The most famous case                 new questions on expecta-             S
        security and the safety              used as a precedent under  tion of privacy. Situations                     I

        of its people because the            the fourth amendment is              can merely involve the                T
        threats are taking differ-           Katz v. United States (24)  transmission of electronic                     Y

        ent shapes. The problem              with its Two-pronged test            signals without physi-
        is that both parties can             improvised by Justice                cal trespass. We also cite            2
        go to the extreme while              Harlan. It defines whether  Kyllo v. United States (28)                    0

        some agents can use their            the expectation of privacy  where the use of a thermal                     2
        authority in abusive ways  is reasonable and whether  imaging device was con-                                   0

        without anyone noticing.             the society is prepared to           sidered unconstitutional
                                             recognize it as such. After  due to the agents from the
        Coming down to the spe-              Katz, the courts refined             department of interior us-

        cifics of the fourth amend- the interpretation of un-                     ing a device unknown to
        ment it is agreed that it has  reasonable searches and                    the general public also the

        to involve a government              seizures and started count- intrusion was warrantless.
        agent acting with author-            ing the immaterial intru-            Another case would be
        ity and it concerns people  sion with technology as                       United States v. Jones (15)

        who have a direct interest  a search. It extended the                     where the famous concur-
        to the targets of searches           protection of the amend-             ring opinion of Justice

        and seizures. The basic              ment to all areas. It has            Sotomayor became repeat-
        prone clauses are reason-            been claimed in numer                edly cited in cases of the

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