Page 60 - January 2020 IIssue new year
P. 60
The Fourth Amendment Wthin the Criminal Justice System
informants or a continuum A Cornell Law study (9) to the letter with each le-
of contacts. under Crimi- stated about the fourth gal definition, since codes
nal justice studies, we amendment the following: are fixed and have a long
know that the law enforce- Primarily it is designed to shelf life, the same rigid
ment community gather “secure from unreasonable meaning can be applied to
information before acting searches and seizures of different circumstances.
unless there is an exigent property by the govern- The Common Law system
necessity to react imme- ment. It protects against is different, jurisprudence
diately (27). Law enforce- arbitrary arrests, and is the and precedents prevail but
ment agents can whether basis of the law re-
be active or proactive de- garding search war-
pending on whether there rants, stop-and-frisk,
is a criminal investigation safety inspections,
or a criminal intelligence wiretaps, and other
situation (10). A crimi- forms of surveil-
nal intelligence situation lance, as well as be-
might involve informants ing central to many
and here the doubt is high- other criminal law
er and can lead to unrea- topics and to privacy
sonable searches, which law.”
mean putting agents under I am not going to
liability. Informants (11) tackle or repeat all
can misunderstand, have the same exceptions
a partial part of a story (18) out there; I
or even be biased. When would rather make a Photo Courtesy of
criminal investigations quasi-new analysis. can evolve with the chang-
and criminal intelligence One of my arguments es of facts and circum-
are conducted, risks to would be attributed to the stances that are distinctive
hurt someone’s reputation terms “Their” and “Hous- to each case. The common
or privacy can have an im- es”. After analyzing many law system assures more
pact on his or her privacy manuscripts, I noticed that flexibility since interpre-
rights. few were the ones that tation of the law evolve
focused on the legal ter- with every generation of
Search, arrest warrants minology of these words. judges and the changes of
and their exceptions. Having knowledge of the circumstances. If we were
civil law system I can go to take literally the defini-