Page 36 - January Febuary 2016 Issue
P. 36
Mandela & The CIA Surveillance that Led to his Incarceration
in Johannesburg. Mandela operated under the assumed name David Motsamayi, a farm worker.

ANC activists and communists conducted their activities there. The US/UK spying led to the

7/11 raid and the arrest of 19. Some believe Mandela was already arrested for a minor charge,
others thought he was still at large underground. Much of this info came out last July while
Mandela was seriously ill. Nelson had begun a relationship with Winnie during the treason
trial. They got married and had kids, but during his prison sentence for sabotage she would plot
brutal violence.

A irst wife who believed in political passivity, and a second who went so far over the edge she
almost single-handedly destroyed his movement. What are the chances of any man involving
himself with two such women back-to-back, much less a man trying to change the face of

his country? For black men the possibility is not so farfetched. People hear the latest verbal
attacks on black-female obstructionism, but it’s wasn’t new, and evidently got its start in the
Motherland. Can you ind women of any other race or ethnic group who are so obtuse either
purposely or inadvertently to their men’s goals? Yes Nelson would initially voice how he
appreciated Winnie’s love and devotion, and he would stick by her for a couple years after his
release. But whereas Winnie loved him, his adversaries manifested a quality more important to
him at that time.

To best understand the magnitude of Mandela’s accomplishments from an American
perspective, picture Huey Newton being imprisoned for 27 years after forming a special strike
force within the Black Panthers which literally made them more of a threat than the KKK and

Maia. Imagine a scenario where they begin sabotaging white supremacists facilities mostly
under Newton’s direction while incarcerated, until Reagan and Bush etc., try to meet with him
and negotiate his freedom an end to American White Supremacy. After which Newton is freed,
and later is elected President of the United States. Only then will you begin to get a clue of who
Mandela was, and why he was so highly respected.

I mention CIA spying and manipulating in African Affairs and figures along the lines of
Mandela, Steven Biko, Patrice Lumumba, Kwame Nkrumah, and as of late even brown Africans
Mubarak and Qadaffi. The same question regarding Lumumba also applied to Mandela; Why

would the intel networks of powerful nations like the US bother themselves to allocate a budget
to spy on a mere barefoot African? “I don’t like it when people question our motives on blacks
or on Mandela because of an incident that happened 20 years ago in another administration,”
said former George H.W. Bush Press Secretary Merlin Fitzwater. In fact he shouldn’t like it, at the
time of those episodes Bush was a high ranking CIA official. People on the left call Eric Snowden
a hero, black activists in Africa and America were under constant government secret watch way
before the NSA, and there was no Wikileaks to expose them. Our NSA was a miserable racist
cross-dresser named J. Edgar Hoover. The success of American government in this reportedly
came by way of infiltration into the ANC by an undercover agent who managed to work

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