Page 38 - January Febuary 2016 Issue
P. 38
Mandela & The CIA Surveillance that led to his Incarceration
his way into their inner circle. Cox News Service named senior CIA oficial Paul Eskel as
admitting it.

“It is one of our greatest coups,” stated a former US oficial, CIA oficer Donald C. Rickard,
who worked undercover as a “consular oficial in Durban” and disclosed to the agency

information that led directly to Mandela’s arrest, even stating he would be disguised as a
chauffeur. Rickard is said to be living in Colorado today (Pagosa Springs) according to a news
release by William Blum. Corporations like IBM, Kodak and others assisted with resources in
the murder, torture and incarceration of ANC activists.

There is much to be said regarding whether or not all the people the US classiies as communist
or terrorists are really bad people. One gets the feeling nowadays that you don’t have to do
much to earn those labels. What is really going on with the Western powers is fear, and the

message is don’t question them. In search of another Mandela? Pop culture says don’t even
think about it. All you need to do is to inally igure out who really controls pop-culture and
major media?

Photo Courtesy of

Chris Stevenson is author of "The MAO Syndrome: A Timeline of Newspaper columns Tracking Hate, Fear,
Loathing, Obstinacy, and Stubbornness of many on the right & some on the left who are simply Mad At
Obama." He is also a regular columnist for blackcommentator, and a contributor to the Hampton Institute,
his own blog, and a syndicated columnist. Follow him on Twitter, and Facebook,
you don’t have to join any of them. Watch his video commentary Policy & Prejudice for clbTV & Follow his
Blogtalkradio interviews on 36OOseconds. Respond to him by email;

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