Page 41 - January Febuary 2016 Issue
P. 41
Elite Investigative Journal
Setting the Record Straight on Iraq and the Islamic State, pg 41-44
©2014-2016 SYT Global, Inc.
Setting the Record Straight on Iraq

and the Islamic State

by Mara Thorne

Photo Courtesy of
Football season hasn’t technically begun, yet the majority report their biased opinion of what
there is no shortage of Monday-morning- someone else has already reported and not too
quarterbacks when it comes to the situation many are getting the facts out.
in Iraq and what to do about the Islamic
State. Anyone, that’s anyone has thrown in The facts are as follows: When we waged
their two cents on who is to blame for the our ‘shock and awe’ campaign against the

situation in Iraq, whether or not to put boots people of the Republic of Iraq in 2003, without
on the ground, and whether or not to spread justiication, we sealed the deal on our future. At
the chaos to Syria. the time we waged war, there were an estimated
24 million people living in Iraq. 97 percent were
This disaster began on March 19, 2003 Muslims, while an estimated 3 percent were
when the United States, with the aid of our Christians or practiced other faiths. Within the
allies attacked the Republic of Iraq without 97 percent Muslim religion, 60-65 percent was
knowing all the facts and quite simply that’s Shi’a Muslim, while 32-37 percent was Sunni
the same situation we are in right now with Muslim. The ethnic groups were 75-80 percent

the Islamic State. We do not know all the Arab, 15-20 percent Kurdish and 5 percent
facts, yet we are giving thought to spreading Turkoman, Assyrian or other.
the war to yet another Islamic country.
At the time of our attack the Shi’a’s were the
Many individuals blame the Republicans, majority, yet the Sunni’s, under the direction of
while others blame Democrats for the Chief of State, President Saddam Hussein, were
situation we’re in, but I’m going to place in control of the 18 governorates in Iraq. After
the blame squarely on the shoulders of the our attacks a new government was put in place
United States media for not doing their job. with Shi’a’s having majority control of the 18
Their job, as I see it, is to report the news and governorates, but many oficials were killed
keep the American public informed of any during their irst few months in ofice.

and all news that affects us. Instead,
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