Page 46 - January Febuary 2016 Issue
P. 46
Elite Investigative Journal
Veterans’ Afiairs: Revisting the VA Scandal, pg 46-50
©2014-2016 SYT Global, Inc.
Veterans’ Affairs: Revisting the VA Scandal

by Jonathan H. Tisk

Photo Courtesy of wheelchairgames.orge
Back in November, the Publisher of this ine magazine and I did an I-Heart Radio Show on
the current debacle that is the US Department of Veterans Affairs. The entire podcast can be

found in the menu of the Elite Investigative Journal website. Although the show was very
comprehensive, there are still major issues with the VA concerning treatment of our wounded
when they come home from the front. I take this issue very personally, given my past military
experience with the United States Marine Corps.

It was our 16th President, Abraham Lincoln who said, “To care for him who shall have borne
the battle and for his widow and his orphan” Thus, the desire to care for our Veterans became a
priority. All American Combat Veterans deserve our respect, our gratitude, and in their times of
need, our help. Our Veterans, past and present, have answered the call of our Country, time and
time again, to protect us and our national go around the globe and ight in the most
inhospitable environments known to Man...and when the ighting is done... go back into civilian
life, asking for no special favors, not expecting any is not charity, nor is it welfare, to
ensure that all our Vets have access to all resources that are available.

This article will touch on the recent scandal regarding the VA, and how the 2016 Federal

Budget that passed Congress will severely impact the health care and other services our Combat
Veterans need.

Department of Veterans Scandal:

The story started with CNN, in their irst report on April 30, 2014 that at least 40 United States

Armed Forces Veterans died while waiting for care at the Phoenix, Arizona, Veterans Health
Administration facilities. By June 5, 2014, Veterans Affairs internal

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