Page 42 - January Febuary 2016 Issue
P. 42
Setting the Record Straight on Iraq and the Islamic State
Saddam Hussein was a member of the Somalia
Ba’ath Party and southern Shi’a’s as well as Sudan

Kurds opposed the Ba’ath Party’s political Syria
philosophy of combining the entire Arab Tunisia
World into one single state with a motto of United Arab Emirates
“Unity, Liberty and Socialism”. The Ba’ath Yemen
Party was never conined to Iraq, its power
was limited to Iraq and Syria, but it had Some politicians and members of the media
branches in other Arab countries. are suggesting the Islamic State basically came
into being fairly recently, which is simply not
There doesn’t appear to be a standard true. The Islamic State is non-other than Tanzim

deinition for Arab World but it is more or Qa’idat al-Jihad i Bilad al-Raidayn its Arab
less accepted that any member of the Arab name, which was originally added to the listing
League is part of the Arab World. Currently, of terrorist groups on March 2, 2005 as Al-
the Arab League consists of 22 members, Qa’ida in Iraq.
with names listed below. You may have read
that there are only 21 members, due to the While you are probably most familiar with the
suspension of Syria, but the Arab League is name Al-Qa’ida, more recently the organization
still considering Syria a member so the total has been called:
is 22. These 22 countries had a combined
projected population of approximately 371 ISIS = Islamic State of Iraq and Syria
million as of July 2013: ISIL = Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant

Algeria The Levant is the eastern Mediterranean area and
Bahrain consists of the island of Cyprus, Israel, Jordan,
Comoros Lebanon, Syria, Palestine and part of southern
Djibouti Turkey.
Iraq and inally IS = Islamic State.
Kuwait The Islamic State organization has also been

Lebanon known under the following names: Al-Qa’ida in
Libya Iraq; Al-Qa’ida in Iraq - Zarqawi; Al-Qa’ida of
Mauritania Jihad in the Land of the Two Rivers; Al-Qa’ida
Morocco of Jihad Organization in the Land of the Two
Oman Rivers; Al-Tawhid; Al-Tawhid and al-Jihad;
Palestine Brigades of Tawhid; Islamic State of Iraq; Dawla
Qatar al-Islamiya; Dawla al-Islamiya i al-Iraq war
Saudi Arabia as-Sham; Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham;
Jama’at al-Tawhid wa’al-Jihad; Kateab al-
Tawhid; Mujahidin Shura Council; Qaida of the

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