Page 8 - February 2020 Issue Forensic PDF
P. 8

India Has A PCOD Problem – 5 Women Share Their Stories

        The same IJRM study                  tip of the PCOS iceberg.             many faces– 1 in 3 to                 P
        found that women not                 Women must also deal                 be precise– but the level
        only associate regular               with numerous and ex-                of discourse on it is dis-            C

        menstruation with the ca-            hausting trips to the doctor  proportionate. “Women                        O
        pacity to bear children, but  and expensive medication  are expected to endure

        also their feminine iden-            that can result in terrifying  so much already. We’re                      A
        tity, which makes PCOS               side effects. Nairika, who           so used to silently work-
        a condition that provokes            is also asthmatic, experi-           ing through all of this. I            W

        deep insecurity and un-              enced pulmonary shock as  hope people realise how                          A
        happiness with one’s self            a side effect to prescribed          much effort it takes to get           E

        and body. Even excessive  medication. Sarah says,                         past body image issues,               N
        hair growth, especially              “I’ve been to a lot of doc-          a stressful work life, not
        facial hair, that challenges  tors and everyone says the  sleeping or eating prop-                              E

        the conventions of femi-             same thing and gives the             erly.”                                S
        ninity is a compounding              same medicine that works

        problem. Rujvi tells me of  only temporarily.                             Regardless, Rujvi, Naya-              2
        her frustration at people                                                 nika, Ayesha, Sarah, and
        pointing out specks of her  Starting dialogue on                          Nairika all tell me of                0

        chin hair and comment-               PCOS in a country that’s             strong support systems, a             2
        ing, “What is that? It’s not  reluctant to discuss men-                   now secure sense of self,

        normal, right?”                      struation and female hy-             and hope for an empathet-
                                             giene is an uphill battle;           ic Indian society– things
        Forever mending the                  and having to challenge              that aren’t medical solu-

        strained relationship with           patriarchal standards of             tions for PCOS, but make
        their bodies, fielding un-           feminine beauty while                the fight more bearable

        solicited opinions about             paying through the nose              and less lonely.
        their appearances, and at-           for expensive healthcare
        tempting to maintain good  is an added burden. In-

        mental health is only the            dia’s PCOS problem has

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