Page 12 - February 2020 Issue Forensic PDF
P. 12

How To Treat PCOS Naturally – An Inspiring Success Story

        Metformin twice a day,               breasts that made it rather  Once I decided to treat my

        after meals. The doctor              hard to wear a bra, let              PCOS naturally, I found               P
        believed metformin would  alone exercise.                                 out so many important                 C

        cure my insulin resistance,  4.             I was still tired all         things that I had no clue             O
        help me ovulate and also             the time.                            about. I learned more                 S
        help with weight loss —              5.     I was mildly de-              about the side-effects of

        all of which would treat             pressed. But I thought that  Metformin and commend-                        A
        my PCOS.                             was perhaps caused by                ed myself for not continu-            W

                                             my persistent acne, which  ing on the drug for longer.                     A
        I started treatment as told          made me painfully self-              Not only can it cause Vi-             R
        and didn’t give it a lot of          conscious.                           tamin B12 deficiency that             E

        thought. I continued with            6.     My migraines were             aggravated my migraines               N
        Metformin for 3 months,              worse.                               and caused muscle aches,              E

        as recommended by the                7.     I had a lot of muscle  it is also associated with                   S
        gynecologist, and my pe-             aches, particularly in my            depression and gastro-                S
        riods did become regular.            arms, around elbow and               intestinal discomfort. In

        I went back to the doctor            wrist.                               fact, I read this study that          2
        after 3 months; she told             8.     Worst of all, I now           found lifestyle interven-             0

        me everything looked                 developed gastrointestinal  tion was more effective                        2
        good and I should contin-            discomfort. I frequently             than metformin to treat               0
        ue Metformin for an ad-              had gas, bloating, and               insulin resistance.

        ditional 6 months and see            heartburn.
        her for another check-up                                                  I also found out that in-

        in 3 months.                         The Big Decision: Discon- flammation and PCOS are
                                             tinuing Drugs & Resorting  closely linked. Low grade
        However, I had my con-               To Natural Treatment                 chronic inflammation is

        cerns.                               While I now had my peri-             common in women with
                                             ods every month, none of             PCOS, and could be the

        1.      I hadn’t lost any            my other problems were               key reason for cystic acne,
        weight. At all. In fact, I           resolved with Metformin.             gastrointestinal distress,
        was still gaining weight.            Plus, I now had new prob- headaches and bloating.

        2.      My acne was no bet- lems. Therefore, I decided
        ter.                                 to do a bit of research on           My 8-Step Plan To Treat

        3.      I still had a lot of         how to treat PCOS natu-              PCOS Naturally
        bloating around my pe-               rally.                               I decided that the best way
        riod, with swollen painful                                                to treat my PCOS natu-

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