Page 17 - February 2020 Issue Forensic PDF
P. 17

Forensic News Journal
        I Overcame PCOS Without Any Medicines and had A Healthy Delivery  pg 17-20
        ©2014-2020  SYT Global, Inc.

 O         I overcame PcoS wIthout any medIcIneS

 S                      and had a healthy delIvery

 W                                                                                   By TNN

 R      Polycystic Ovary Syndrome                                                 saw me.
 E      is a common disease of               I was very healthy and ev-

 N      modern times. A problem              eryone called me chubby.             Under such circumstances,
 E      that begins early in life,           With heavy hair growth all           you generally consider
 S      PCOS can last as long as             over my face and extra flab          yourself resigned to fate

 S      middle age and sometimes,            on my body as a teenager, it  and start thinking that this is
        go even beyond one’s repro- used to get quite frustrating                 your destiny.

 2      ductive years. A by-product  at times. This also included
 0      of today’s lifestyle habits,         an insane number of visits           Incidentally, destiny had
 2      PCOS can happen to even              to the gynecologist and a            something else in store for

 0      the healthiest women, de-            humongous intake of medi-            me. After my marriage, my
        spite any number of precau-          cine cocktails, ranging from  husband and I moved to
        tions they may take. Sneha           metformin to hormone bal-            Bangalore. Since we had to
        Mukherjee, a professional,           ancing pills. In a snapshot,         now consult a new doctor
        writes her experience with           my childhood and teenage             in a new city, we got a few

        PCOS, doctors, medicines             years turned out to be a             recommendations, and fi-
        and how she finally over-            classic case of ‘been there,         nally zeroed in on one.
        came this lifelong odd               done that’ to counter PCOS
        when she ditched all the             condition.                           That was probably the eu-

        medicines and made certain  As if that were not enough,                   reka moment of my life.
        lifestyle changes.                   the countless pieces of ad-          The doctor patiently went
                                             vice and home remedies               through my entire medical
        I was deemed to be a PCOS  suggested by numerous                          history, looked at the huge

        victim since my school               relatives and ‘deemed well-          pile of medical files and
        days. I use the word ‘victim’  wishers’ added to my frus-                 suggested that all I needed
        because that is how society          tration. It seemed everyone          was a lifestyle change. She
        makes you feel about your            would invoke their medical           told me to stop all the medi-

        condition.                           knowledge the moment they  cines, which was like almost

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