Page 22 - February 2020 Issue Forensic PDF
P. 22

How To Reverse Polycystic Ovary

        obese women with PCOS  that insulin and insulin                           genetic defect.
        are more insulin resistant           resistance play the most             Another group of re-                 P
        than healthy women.                  prominent role in caus-              searchers proposed the               C

               Women with PCOS               ing PCOS. This means                 theory that fetal adapta-            O
        have an increased preva-             that putting someone                 tions cause the genetic              S

        lence of obesity.                    with PCOS on a diet that             defect(s) that lead(s) to
               Fat cells in women            can lower insulin levels             PCOS. In other words,                A
        with PCOS tend to be                 and reduce insulin resis-            if the fetus is develop-             W

        more insulin resistant.              tance— like the ketogenic  ing inside of its mother                       A
               Women with PCOS               diet — is best, right?               while she is in a stressful          R

        tend to have higher levels  Before we jump to any                         environment (i.e., lacking           E
        of insulin.                          conclusions, we must also  adequate food), then the                       N
                                             consider the studies on the  fetus will undergo genetic                   E

        And some interesting find- inheritability of PCOS.                        changes to help it adapt to          S
        ings on the genetic side of  The studies found that this  that stressful environment.                          S

        the issue:                           disorder has a genetic in-           One of these genetic ad-
               Oligomenorrhea (in- fluence that is independent  aptations is insulin resis-                            2
        frequent menstrual peri-             of lifestyle factor, which           tance. Although insulin              0

        ods) was more common in  raises the question — are                        resistance is associated             2
        the mothers and sisters of           women with PCOS stuck                with PCOS, heart disease,            0

        women with PCOS than in  with it?                                         obesity, and type 2 diabe-
        women without PCOS.                  _____________________ tes, it is useful when food
               Some first-degree             ___________________                  is scarce because it keeps

        relatives of women with              PCOS — Inheritable, Yet              energy in the blood for a
        PCOS are insulin resis-              Mutable                              longer duration, so it can

        tant.                                                                     reach the cells that need it
               Recent twin and               Many researchers sug-                most.
        family studies have sug-             gest that there are spe-

        gested that insulin resis-           cific genetic variants that          However, many of us live
        tance is a genetic defect in  contribute to PCOS. For                     in environments with food

        PCOS.                                example, a recent study              abundance. Chips, cook-
                                             by Miller and colleagues             ies, cakes, or any other
        Throughout these research  concluded that we might                        food you desire can touch

        papers, the one phrase that  be able to explain the as-                   your taste buds within 30
        sticks out most is insu-             sociation of PCOS and in- minutes of thinking about

        lin resistance. It seems             sulin resistance by a single  it. This combination of in-

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