Page 25 - February 2020 Issue Forensic PDF
P. 25

How To Reverse Polycystic Ovary

        The New And Improved                 bles With Every Meal                 deficit to lose weight.

 P      PCOS Diet                            High-fiber vegetables, like
 C                                           broccoli, kale, and spin-            By following these guide-
 O      A simple ketogenic diet              ach,  can help combat in-            lines, you will be able to

 S      can help many women                  sulin resistance and reduce  lower your insulin levels,
        reverse their PCOS. For              inflammation. Have them              balance your hormones,

 A      some women, however,                 with every meal for best             and reverse many of the
 W      carbohydrate restriction             results.                             PCOS symptoms. How-
 A      may cause excess stress              For more on what vegeta-             ever, things like stress and

 R      and keep them from get-              bles to eat and how to add  inactivity can still limit
 E      ting results. This is why            them to your diet, check             your results. To get the

 N      it is important to follow            out our low-carbohydrate             best results, combine a
 E      these guidelines to create           vegetable guide                      healthy lifestyle with the
 S      the right PCOS diet for                                                   ketogenic diet.

 S      you:                                 3. Eat The Right Amount              _____________________
                                             of Protein                           ___________________

 2      1. Restrict Carbohydrates                                                 The Lifestyle That Helps
 0                                           Use our keto calculator to  Reverse PCOS
 2      We recommend starting                find out what your daily             Combining a vegetable-

 0      with below 35g total carbs  protein intake should be.                     rich ketogenic diet with
        per day. If this makes                                                    exercise, sleep, and medi-
        symptoms worse after                 4. Eat Enough Calories               tation is one of the most

        a couple of weeks, then              to Achieve Your Ideal                efficient ways to reverse
        increase your carbohy-               Weight                               PCOS.

        drate consumption by 5-10
        grams per day until you              Once again, use our keto             Exercise
        find a sweet spot where              calculator to estimate your

        you have energy and feel             ideal daily calorie intake.          What kind of exercise
        better. From your new car- If you have an unhealthily  should you do? It’s up to

        bohydrate intake level, try  low body fat percentage,                     you. Many different types
        reducing your intake by              then make sure you are               of exercise have been
        5-10 grams per day to in-            eating more calories than            found to help women with

        crease your ketone levels            you need to maintain your  PCOS, including:
        and fat burning capacity.            weight. If you are over-

                                             weight or obese, then you  Resistance Training
        2. Eat High-Fiber Vegeta-            need to maintain a calorie

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