Page 28 - February 2020 Issue Forensic PDF
P. 28

How To Reverse Polycystic Ovary

        function in women with               barberry, and Oregon
        PCOS. To get these ben-              grape root, and it has been  Apple Cider Vinegar                           P
        efits, ½ to 1 teaspoon per           used in Chinese medicine                                                   C

        day is all you need. Blend  for centuries to treat a va-                  Apple cider vinegar has               O
        the cinnamon into your               riety of health conditions.          been shown to increase in-            S

        flax seed butter, and add                                                 sulin sensitivity in several
        some nuts for even more              In one impressive study,             studies, including a trial in         A
        of a health boost.                   berberine was found to re- women with PCOS. In this                        W

                                             duce insulin resistance as           trial, seven women with               A
        Nuts                                 effectively as metformin,            PCOS took one table-                  R

                                             a medication frequently              spoon of apple cider vine-            E
        Nuts are a healthy addition  prescribed for PCOS. Ber- gar per day. After 40 days,                              N
        to any diet (as long as you  berine also led to slightly                  4 of the women resumed                E

        are not allergic to them).           more weight and belly fat  ovulating, 6 experienced                        S
        Walnuts and almonds,                 loss, a greater increase             a measurable reduction                S

        in particular, have the              in sex-hormone binding               in insulin resistance, and
        most beneficial effect on            globulin levels, and lower  5 had a decrease in their                      2
        women with PCOS. For                 levels of free testosterone          LH/FSH ratio (this indi-              0

        example, walnuts increase  than an equivalent dos-                        cates less androgen pro-              2
        sex hormone-binding                  age of metformin. In other  duction).                                      0

        globulin, while almonds              words, this natural com-
        decrease free androgen               pound is more effective              For best results, consume
        levels.                              than one of the most popu- 1-2 tablespoons per day.

        This means that these nuts  larly prescribed PCOS                         However, this doesn’t
        address the cause of many  medications.                                   mean you have to take

        PCOS symptoms. The                                                        shots of pure vinegar. Use
        next dietary supplement              The recommended dose                 apple cider vinegar as the
        on this list, however, gets          for berberine is 500 mg              vinegar for your salad

        to the underlying cause              taken 2-3 times per day.             dressings and sauces in-
        of PCOS — insulin resis-             Something else to con-               stead.

        tance.                               sider is taking it with milk
                                             thistle or coconut oil. Milk  Magnesium
        Berberine                            thistle and capric acid (a

                                             fatty acid in coconut oil)           Magnesium deficien-
        This compound is found               may increase the absorp-             cies are the second most

        in herbs like goldenseal,            tion of berberine.                   common deficiency in

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