Page 26 - February 2020 Issue Forensic PDF
P. 26

How To Reverse Polycystic Ovary

        In a 4-week study, per-              helps reduce stress levels           pared with those without,”
        forming resistance training  and enhance the quality of  and women with PCOS                                    P
        three times a week led to            life.                                especially had difficulty             C

        lower androgen and sex-              No matter what type of               falling asleep.                       O
        hormone binding globulin  activity you choose to do,                                                            S

        levels, weight loss, and             PCOS researchers recom-              The good news for women
        increased muscle mass in             mend getting at least 30             with PCOS is that the                 A
        women with PCOS.                     minutes of low to moder-             sleep disturbances will               W

                                             ate intensity exercises, like  most likely be cleared up                   A
        Aerobic Exercise                     yoga, cycling, or a brisk            by the diet and lifestyle             R

                                             walk, every day. (Add in             adjustments suggested in              E
        Aerobic exercise has                 resistance training, three           this article. However, if             N
        been shown to help lower  days a week, for even bet-                      getting 7-9 hours of restful          E

        inflammation, reduce in-             ter results.)                        sleep is still an issue, then         S
        sulin resistance, promote                                                 meditation will help tre-             S

        weight loss, and improve             Another important thing              mendously.
        reproductive function in             you need to prioritize is                                                  2
        women with PCOS. In                  stress reduction. The more  Meditation                                     0

        one study, 56% of women  stressed you are, the more                                                             2
        with amenorrhea who                  insulin resistant your cells  Studies have shown that                      0

        performed aerobic exer-              will be. This will cause an  meditation lowers corti-
        cise for 12 weeks began              increase in insulin levels           sol levels and improves
        menstruating again. These  and PCOS symptoms.                             blood sugar biomarkers,

        results are pretty amazing,                                               which leads to a reduction
        and only aerobic exercise            Sleep                                in insulin resistance and

        is to blame.                         The most efficient way to            insulin secretion. Meditat-
                                             reduce stress levels is with  ing 30 minutes before you
        Yoga                                 sleep. However, quality              plan on going to sleep is

                                             sleep is harder to come              a great way to improve
        Based on research in                 by for most women with               sleep quality and reduce

        adolescents with PCOS,               PCOS. In a review pub-               stress at the same time.
        practicing yoga seems to             lished in Human Repro-               _____________________
        improve reproductive hor- duction, researchers found  ___________________

        mone levels, insulin resis-          that “sleep disturbances             Putting It All Together
        tance, and cardiovascular            were twice as common in              — The Ideal Diet and

        disease risk factors. It also  women with PCOS com-                       Lifestyle for Women with

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