Page 21 - February 2020 Issue Forensic PDF
P. 21

Forensic News Journal
        How To Reverse Polycystic Ovary pg  21-32
        ©2014-2020  SYT Global, Inc.

 P                          How To Reverse Polycystic Ovary
 C                              Updated Sep 18th, 2019 – Written by Craig Clarke
 O                               Medical review by Dr. Pamela Lyon, MD, FACEP

                                                    Hirsutism (excessive  this disease.

 A      Polycystic ovary syn-                hair growth, including in            The common consensus
                                                                                  among the scientific com-
                                             places women don’t usu-
 W      drome (PCOS) is respon-              ally grow hair, such as on           munity is that women with
 A      sible for as much as 70              the face and abdomen)                PCOS have an increased

 R      percent of infertility issues               Male pattern bald-            risk of insulin resistance,
 E      in women. In fact, it is the         ness                                 obesity, glucose intoler-

 N      most common hormonal                        Thinning hair                 ance, diabetes, hyperten-
 E      problem in women of                         Fatigue                       sion, and dyslipidemia.
 S      childbearing age, and yet,                  Mood swings

 S      few women are aware of
        PCOS and its symptoms.                      Low sex drive                 These conditions are all

 2      The Most Common Symp-                From mood swings to                  a manifestation of poor
                                                                                  lifestyle choices (overeat-
 0      toms of Polycystic Ovary             infertility to acne, these           ing and inactivity), but
 2      Syndrome                             symptoms seem like a ran- we cannot draw the same

        Before we explore why                dom assortment of things             conclusion with PCOS by

        PCOS happens and how                 that no man or woman                 looking only at its associ-
        we can reverse it, we must           would ever want to expe-             ated risks.
        know how it affects the fe-          rience. Could these really           Let’s dig into the re-

        male body. The most com-             be a part of one disorder?           search and see what other
        mon symptoms of PCOS                 Unfortunately, this is how  clues we can find. Here

        are:                                 PCOS manifests itself.               are some findings from
               Irregular periods,            However, there is a silver           the most cited studies on
        including amenorrhea (the            lining — all of the PCOS             PCOS:

        absence of menstruation)             symptoms point to the
               Trouble conceiving a          same underlying cause.                      Insulin resistance

        child                                                                     affects 65-70% of women
               Infertility                   What Causes Polycystic               with PCOS.
               Weight gain                   Ovary Syndrome?                             50% of women with

               Trouble losing                To find the underlying               PCOS are overweight or
        weight                               cause of PCOS, we must               obese.

               Acne                          understand the nature of                    Both obese and non-

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