Page 23 - February 2020 Issue Forensic PDF
P. 23

How To Reverse Polycystic Ovary

        sulin resistance and excess  Elevated levels of insulin                   sulin resistance. To create

 P      calorie consumption is a             cause the ovaries to pro-            a chronic state of insulin
 C      recipe for chronic disease. duce more androgens (like  resistance and hyperinsu-
 O      But what exactly does this  testosterone). Insulin also  linemia, it takes a com-

 S      have to do with women                decreases the production             bination of poor lifestyle
        who have PCOS?                       of sex-hormone binding               habits.

 A      Scientists theorize that             globulin — a glycoprotein  _____________________
 W      some women develop a                 that prevents testosterone           ___________________
 A      particular type of insulin           from freely entering cells.          The Lifestyle Factors That

 R      resistance that turns off            With more androgen                   Cause PCOS
 E      their fertility cycle and            production and less sex-

 N      increases their testoster-           hormone binding globu-               It is possible to prevent
 E      one levels to improve their  lin, free testosterone can                   PCOS (or keep it from
 S      chances of survival. How- freely float through the                        getting worse) by avoiding

 S      ever, this may only cause            blood and interact with              these things:
        PCOS symptoms when                   cells. This can cause hair                  High-carbohydrate

 2      the woman is chronically             growth on the chest and              foods
 0      stressed, overeats, or is            face, mood swings, fa-                      Excess calorie con-
 2      sedentary.                           tigue, low sex drive, acne,  sumption

 0      In other words, PCOS                 and other PCOS symp-                        Chronic stress
        genes are inheritable, but           toms.                                       Inappropriate lev-

        having them doesn’t mean                                                  el of physical activity,
        that you will be infertile.          As androgen levels contin- whether too high or too
        Later, we will find out              ue to increase, they stimu- low

        how to turn fertility on             late 5-alpha reeducates                     Exposure to endo-
        (and PCOS off), but first,           activity — an enzyme that  crine-disrupting chemi-

        let’s figure out how PCOS  converts testosterone to                       cals (e.g., Bisphenol A,
        happens.                             a more potent metabolite             4-methylbenzylidene,
        _____________________ called dihydrotestoster-                            Methylparaben, Nicotine,

        ___________________                  one. This makes PCOS                 Sodium Fluoride, PBDEs/
        How Insulin Resistance               symptoms even worse.                 PCBs, and Perchlorate )

        Causes PCOS                          Genetics can set the stage                  Having a high per-
        Earlier we found out that            for this to happen, but              centage of body fat (being
        women with PCOS tend to  PCOS will not progress                           overweight or obese)

        have higher levels of insu- without the presence of                              Having a low per-
        lin and insulin resistance.          high insulin levels and in-          centage of body fat due to

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