Page 20 - February 2020 Issue Forensic PDF
P. 20

I Overcame PCOS Without Any Medicines and had A Healthy Delivery

        that PCOS pregnancies are            just when I was pregnant.            fat and unhealthy stuff for
        considered to be risky and           But, it all came out post            delivering a healthy baby. I          P
        normally end with C- Sec-            delivery because it was all          delivered a full term healthy         C
        tion, if at all they last a full     good fats. I just wanted to          baby and I am again back in           O

        term.                                break all the myths, which           shape in a weight frame of            S
                                             revolve around eating ghee           49 to 50 kgs.
        However, mine was, in my             or a lot of                                                                A
        doctor’s language,                                          Photo Courtesy of  A loud shout-out      W

        an exemplary preg-                                                                   to all the ladies          A
        nancy which would                                                                    suffering from             R
        be quoted as an ex-                                                                  PCOS or trying             E
        ample for others to                                                                  to lead a healthy

        follow. When I con-                                                                  lifestyle. All you         N
        ceived I was 49 ki-                                                                  need to do is alter        E
        lograms. During my                                                                   your lifestyle, eat        S
        entire pregnancy, I                                                                  healthy, exercise          S

        only had good fats                                                                   for minimum 40
        and nothing that the                                                                 minutes daily, read        2
        grannies and elderly                                                                 a lot and be aware.        0
        people recommend,                                                                    Most importantly,          2

        no ghee laddoos or                                                                   be positive about          0
        fried food for me.                                                                   it. A female body
        I did prenatal exer-                                                                 is much more than
        cises like walking                                                                   ‘polycystic ova-

        and yoga consis-                                                                     ries’.
        tently for the entire
        pregnancy period.                                                                    Consume a lot of
        There was always                                                                     water; sweat it out

        a binge day, once                                                                    as exercises release
        in a while though. I                                                                 endorphins! Stay
        had put on healthy                                                                   happy and healthy!
        11 kilograms of

        weight which is

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