Page 24 - February 2020 Issue Forensic PDF
P. 24

How To Reverse Polycystic Ovary

        unhealthy calorie restric-           ___________________                  This provides us with pre-
        tion                                 Is There a PCOS Diet?                liminary evidence that the            P
                                             The scientific literature on  ketogenic diet may be ef-                    C

        Each one of these factors            diets for PCOS is sparse.            fective in treating PCOS.             O
        contributes to PCOS in               However, the research-               However, this finding is              S

        some way. High carbohy-              ers of a treatment review            not surprising.
        drate foods, excess calorie  suggest that PCOS women                                                            A
        consumption, and inactiv-            will do best by eating               Ketogenic diets have been             W

        ity increase insulin levels          complex carbohydrates                shown in many different               A
        and insulin resistance.              and avoiding sugar. This             groups of people, from                R

        Chronic stress, over-                suggestion was confirmed  healthy subjects to type 2                       E
        exercising, and having a             in one study on the ef-              diabetic patients, to im-             N
        low body fat percentage              fects of low-glycemic                prove insulin levels and              E

        increases cortisol levels,           index diet on women with  reduce insulin resistance                        S
        creating more insulin re-            PCOS, but the results are            — two things that would               S

        sistance.                            unimpressive when com-               also help women with
        The least obvious contrib-           pared to a similar study             PCOS. Ketogenic diets                 2
        utors to PCOS are endo-              that was done on the keto- also produce rapid weight                       0

        crine-disrupting chemi-              genic diet.                          loss, which is essential              2
        cals. These chemicals can                                                 for improving fertility in            0

        cause hormonal imbal-                In this study, five over-            obese women with PCOS.
        ances that lead to PCOS,             weight women ate a ke-
        so it is important to avoid  togenic diet (20 grams of                    However, there is one

        consuming them or put-               carbohydrates or less per            important caveat with
        ting them on your skin.              day) for 24 weeks. The               women and the ketogenic

                                             results were astounding —  diet. The restriction of
        However, it is important             average weight loss was              carbohydrates on the ke-
        to realize that avoiding             12%, free testosterone de-           togenic diet may increase

        these seven contributors to  creased by 22%, and fast-                    stress levels and contrib-
        PCOS may not completely  ing insulin levels dropped  ute to insulin resistance.

        reverse the disorder. To             by 54%. What’s even                  This is why it is important
        get the best results, we             more impressive is that              to follow the ketogenic
        need to follow a diet that           two of the women became  diet, with minor variations

        addresses the underlying             pregnant despite previous  if needed.
        causes of PCOS.                      infertility problems.                _____________________

        _____________________                                                     ___________________

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