Page 29 - February 2020 Issue Forensic PDF
P. 29

How To Reverse Polycystic Ovary

        developed countries.                 ciency in zinc can cause a  In one study, only 6 per-

 P      Magnesium is important               hormonal imbalance and               cent of control group
 C      for women with PCOS                  make PCOS worse, while  participants experienced
 O      because magnesium de-                zinc supplementation can             menstrual cycles versus

 S      ficiency reduces insulin             reduce some of the symp-             86 percent in the inositol
        sensitivity and increases            toms of PCOS.                        group (a finding confirmed

 A      nerve excitability, lead-            This was confirmed in one  by follow-up research).
 W      ing to more stress, more             study that found that zinc           Most studies conclude
 A      tension, and more PCOS               was able to reverse facial           that, at doses between

 R      symptoms.                            and chest hair growth in             1,200-2,400 milligrams
 E                                           women with PCOS. The                 per day, inositol can sig-

 N      When it comes to mag-                dosage they used was 220  nificantly improve PCOS
 E      nesium supplements,                  mg per day of zinc sulfate,  symptoms.
 S      magnesium citrate is most  which is equivalent to 50

 S      popular. It’s well absorbed  mg of elemental zinc per                     Chasteberry (commonly
        but may have a mild laxa-            day.                                 known as Vitex)

 2      tive effect in some sensi-
 0      tive people. For the people  Inositol                                     Chasteberry helps re-
 2      who are sensitive to mag-                                                 store the balance between

 0      nesium citrate, magnesium  One of the most well stud- many hormones involved
        bisglycinate is the best             ied PCOS supplements is              in the menstrual cycle.
        option.                              inositol, a sugar alcohol            It does this by lowering

                                             chemical compound found  prolactin levels. This can
        Regardless of which                  in keto-friendly foods like  help women with oligo/

        supplement you choose,               citrus fruits and nuts.              amenorrhea and infertility,
        make sure you are getting                                                 which has been confirmed
        around 310 mg of magne-              Multiple studies have                in three randomized con-

        sium per day if you are a            shown that inositol sup-             trol trials. However, some
        woman.                               plementation may im-                 women with PCOS may

                                             prove insulin resistance             not benefit from taking
        Zinc                                 and decrease male hor-               chasteberry if their prolac-
                                             mones in the bloodstream.  tin levels are within nor-

        Zinc is essential for the            Most notably, inositol               mal ranges.
        functioning of enzymes,              seems to promote ovula-

        hormones, and the im-                tion and fertility.                  Reishi Mushroom
        mune system. A defi-

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