Page 34 - February 2020 Issue Forensic PDF
P. 34

Forensic News Journal
        My Life’s Journey: Living with PCOS  pg 34-39
        ©2014-2020 SYT Global, Inc.

        My Life’s Journey: Living                                                                                       P

        with PCOS                                                                  By Sonya Trippett                    O


        My journey with the                  ries also produce a small            fluid-filled sacs grow insi-
        discovery of PCOS started  amount of male hormones  de the ovaries. The word                                    A

        with me having no idea of  called androgens.                              “polycystic” means “many              W
        this disease or even know-                                                cysts.” These sacs are fol-           A
        ing what was happening to  The ovaries release eggs                       licles, each one containing           R

        me. Here below is the de-            to be fertilized by a man’s  an immature egg. The                          E
        scription of PCOS (Poly-             sperm. The release of an             eggs never mature enough              N

        cystic Ovarian Syndrome). egg each month is called                        to trigger ovulation. The             E
                                             ovulation. Follicle-sti-             lack of ovulation alters              S
        PCOS is a problem with               mulating hormone (FSH)               levels of estrogen, pro-              S

        hormones that affects                and luteinizing hormone              gesterone, FSH, and LH.
        women during their child-            (LH) control ovulation.              Estrogen and progesterone             2

        bearing years (ages 15 to            FSH stimulates the ovary             levels are lower than usu-            0
        44). Between 2.2 and 26.7  to produce a follicle — a                      al, while androgen levels             2
        percent of women in this             sac that contains an egg —  are higher than usual.                         0

        age group have PCOS (1,              and then LH triggers the             Extra male hormones dis-
        2Trusted Source).                    ovary to release a mature            rupt the menstrual cycle,

        Many women have PCOS  egg.                                                so women with PCOS get
        but don’t know it. In one            PCOS is a “syndrome,” or  fewer periods than usual.
        study, up to 70 percent of           group of symptoms that               PCOS isn’t a new conditi-

        women with PCOS hadn’t  affects the ovaries and                           on. Italian physician Anto-
        been diagnosed (2Trusted  ovulation. Its three main                       nio Vallisneri first descri-

        Source).                             features are:                        bed its symptoms in 1721
                                             •      cysts in the ovaries          (3Trusted Source).
        PCOS affects a woman’s               •      high levels of male

        ovaries, the reproductive            hormones                             Doctors don’t know exac-
        organs that produce estro-           •      irregular or skipped          tly what causes PCOS.

        gen and progesterone —               periods                              They believe that high
        hormones that regulate the                                                levels of male hormones
        menstrual cycle. The ova-            In PCOS, many small,                 prevent the ovaries from

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