Page 35 - February 2020 Issue Forensic PDF
P. 35

My Life’s Journey: Living with PCOS

        producing hormones and               again it was coming on               to my surprise something

 P      making eggs normally.                more often but it would              very unexpected happe-

 C      Genes, insulin resistance,           skip months and would                ned.  I met with the doctor
 O      and inflammation have all  stay on 2 weeks and my                         and I told her what I had

 S      been linked to excess an-            menstrual cramps were                been experiencing with
        drogen production. (www. terrible. I didn’t know that  my menstrual cycle and

 A                      this was the start to all my  that it had been skipping a

 W                                           problems.                            lot of months along with
 A      So after reading that de-                                                 the other symptoms I had

 R      scription I am pretty sure           So I am going to fast                been experiencing. She
 E      you are like what the hell.  forward to me at 20 years  went to consult with ano-
 N      Well can you imagine how  old at this point my I was                      ther doctor; he came in

 E      I felt when I learned I had  beginning to get very sick.  and spoke to me in detail
 S      this and that it was not             I notice issues with my              about my symptoms.

 S      going to go away. I can              menstrual cycle skipping a
        honestly say that this was           lot of months of no cycle            He was a very nice man

 2      a serious life-changing              or I would have very bad             and was very specific

 0      event that sent me on a              cycles where I was blee-             about the questions he
 2      whirlwind ride to what felt  ding very heavily and very  asked; this is when he

 0      like hell.                           bad cramps. So I had been  turned to the female doc-
                                             to various Gynecologist              tor and told her he thinks

        I had always had issues              and these doctors felt that  I have Stein Leventhal
        with my menstrual cycle              what I was experiencing              Syndrome also known as
        from the beginning. Most             was normal and apart                 PCOS. The female doctor

        females start their men-             of the process of bodily             was like what is that and I
        strual cycle at 8 or 9 yrs.          changes.                             was like yeah what is that

        old. I first started mine at                                              and he began to explain
        14 yrs. old; it came on for  I ended up going to the                      what it was and the test
        3 months and then just               University of Pennsylva-             that I needed to get to

        stopped and did not come  nia Hospital Clinic, where  confirm his theory. So, the
        back on for 2 years. At              people who didn’t have               doctor set me up to get 7

        this point I was 16 years            insurance could go to re-            vials of blood drawn each
        old and I was all man it             ceive treatment. My main  for a different test and an
        came back I so thought it            reason for going there was  ultrasound of my ovari-

        was gone forever. When               to see the Gynecologist              es. When the test came it
        I started to menstruate              for a regular checkup and            was confirmed that I had

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