Page 39 - February 2020 Issue Forensic PDF
P. 39

My Life’s Journey: Living with PCOS

        I know that I made the               disease for a joke because  conceive a child. I know

 P      right decision and that if           it is serious and can cause  that things are difficult,
 C      I meant to be a mother it            you to experience many               and it will be a work in
 O      will happen the way it is            unnecessary issues that              progress for many of us,

 S      supposed to happen when  will harm you. You must                          but the true healing begins
        it is time.                          become the driving force             when we share our stories

 A                                           for your life and well-              with others.
 W      We are now in 2020 and               being. Do not ever feel
 A      I can say that I am still            like you are alone, there            This will help us to under-

 R      struggling with getting my  are many young and adult  stand that we are not grie-
 E      PCOS under control, but It  females who are in vario-                     ving alone and can help

 N      is better than the previous  us stages of this struggle                   us all to move forward
 E      years. I am learning about  with PCOS. I want us to                       through this difficult pro-
 S      how food effects my body  find each other and uplift                      cess. I will stop here and

 S      and that I have to exerci-           one another. I want tho-             I welcome anyone to con-
        se daily in order to keep            se of you who still can              tact me at sonyatrippett@

 2      my body healthy. A lot of            experience giving birth to if you would
 0      people have been encoura- have a beautiful healthy                        like to speak to me or
 2      ging me to do Yoga and               child. I want those of us            offer comments about this

 0      I feel comfortable with              who cannot give birth to             topic. Please share your
        trying that to get my body  be able to accept that and                    stories with me as well
        healthier.                           move forward with our                I truly with all my heart

                                             lives with no regrets. We            would love to hear from
        My last words will be just  know that there are other                     you.

        to encourage those who               options available for us
        have been diagnosed with  to be parents. But first we  It’s time to let our healing
        PCOS to take your life               must be ok with the fact             begin!

        seriously, do not take this          that we are not able to

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