Page 42 - February 2020 Issue Forensic PDF
P. 42

The Diet That’s ‘curing’ the UAE’s Infertile Women

        mentioned how eating cer-                                                 years, do I feel that my
        tain things can aggravate            “Before the diet I was               son is a miracle baby?                P

        the symptoms of PCOS.                finding it very difficult            Well, a baby is a miracle             C
        She also advised her peers  to lose the few kilos I                       in itself. Every single one           O
        to consider the mental               had gained over past few             of them. As you watch                 S

        state their clients might be  years, but within one                       your child grow, you see
        in, and how important it is  month I was able to shed                     many instances when they              A

        to address it. I decided to          the weight and get back to  show unbelievable resil-                       W
        follow the diet as strictly          my ideal weight.                     ience and vitality, and I             A
        as possible in a last-ditch                                               think that is magical.”               R

        attempt to get pregnant              “And best of all, within                                                   E
        naturally.                           two months of starting the  1.              Eliminate sugar and            N

        “Initially it was very diffi-        diet, I conceived.                   refined carbohydrates                 E
        cult and frustrating, as the                                              •      No artificial sweet-           S
        diet requires that you cut           “While I can’t be sure if            eners                                 S

        out dairy and I love milk            was due to the diet, I don’t  •             No chewing gum
        and cheese, so it was very  have anything else to                         or diet drinks, they have             2

        hard for me to cut that out  credit, as my Clomid cycle  sugar in them                                          0
        of my diet.                          had failed already and all           2.     Increase Omega 3               2
                                             I did differently was this           intake (preferably fish oil           0

        “But after some time I               diet.                                supplements)
        started to feel more posi-           “Initially I joked with my           3.     Eliminate dairy

        tive in general. I was even  husband that it seemed                       products
        coming round to the idea             like I was having dairy-             4.     Increase vegetables,
        of adopting a child or go-           withdrawal symptoms.                 pulses and fruits

        ing for IVF.                         But after a week or two,             5.     Cut out alcohol
                                             I started feeling better             6.     Cut out caffeine

        “Although I didn’t begin             physically and emotion-              7.     Eliminate Trans-fat
        any specific type of ex-             ally. And later on, we
        ercise, I started walking            conceived! But more than  Along with this, it’s rec-

        more deliberately, and               excitement, I finally felt at  ommended you start tak-
        making small changes like  peace and contended with  ing a multivitamin that in-

        taking the stairs instead of  myself.                                     cludes these supplements:
        the elevator, or leaving the
        taxi a few blocks away to            “Having tried so hard to             Chromium

        walk.                                get pregnant for so many             Magnesium

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