Page 43 - February 2020 Issue Forensic PDF
P. 43

The Diet That’s ‘curing’ the UAE’s Infertile Women

        Vitamin E                            cent of women in the UAE  PCOS is more common

 P      Vitamin C Alkaline                   face issues pertaining to            in the UAE than in other
 C      Co-emzyme Q10                        infertility, and they expect  parts of the world. The
 O      Zinc                                 that to double by 2030.              increase number of cases

 S      Alpha Lipoic Acid                                                         here appears to be attrib-
        B Vitamins                           The UAE also has one of              uted to the higher levels of

 A      Green tea extract                    the highest incidences of            obesity in the UAE.
 W      Vitamin D                            PCOS in the world, with
 A      Siberian ginseng                     a higher prevalence here              What are the signs of

 R      Amino acids                          than in Europe. Although             PCOS?
 E                                           it’s not certain why there

 N      Herbs to include in diet:            is so much PCOS in the               Some people have no
 E      Black cohosh                         UAE, some experts link it  symptoms of PCOS, oth-
 S      Agnus cactus                         to lifestyle factors - such          ers may suffer with the

 S      Milk thistle                         as a fast-paced and stress-          following:
        Saw palmetto                         ful working environment

 2                                           that leaves little time for          ·       Irregular periods or
 0      Ideally including all this,          exercise, and an emphasis  no periods at all
 2      exercise and probiotics in  on eating out - that mean                     ·       Difficulty getting

 0      the diet is suggested.               many residents are carry-            pregnant as a result of ir-
                                             ing excess weight. This              regular ovulation or fail-

        The medical opinion: Can  can affect their insulin                        ure to ovulate
        a diet really cure infertility resistance, which in turn is  ·       Excessive growth of
        Studies show that infertil-          implicated in PCOS.                  body hair usually on the

        ity is becoming increas-                                                  face, chest, back or but-
        ingly common in the                  We asked Dr Kiren Saho-              tocks

        UAE:  according to a                 ta, consultant family med- ·       Weight gain
        recent study by Aster DM  icine at HealthBay Poly-                        ·       Thinning hair and
        Healthcare, one in five              clinic in Marina, for more  hair loss from the head

        couples in the UAE face              information about PCOS               ·       Oily skin or acne
        fertility issues – a figure          in the UAE and whether a

        that is higher than the              diet could really cure it.           PCOS is also associated
        world average. Meanwhile                                                  with an increased risk of
        the Dubai Health Author-             How common is PCOS in  developing health prob-

        ity’s (DHA) latest findings  the UAE?                                     lems in later life, such as
        show that around 50 per              There are reports that               type 2 diabetes and high

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