Page 41 - February 2020 Issue Forensic PDF
P. 41

The Diet That’s ‘curing’ the UAE’s Infertile Women

                                             that I could have the baby  “I did not want to trust

 P      “In 2013, we moved to                that was increasingly turn- only her judgment, so
 C      Dubai from India and                 ing into an obsession. I             we saw another doctor in

 O      decided to leave our bach- watched my friends and                         Dubai, who recommended
 S      elor lifestyles behind and           relatives get pregnant, or           I stop the Metformin, and
        start a family. Luckily, I           would see other women                we tried a cycle of the fer-

 A      conceived soon after we              walking down the street              tility drug Clomid instead,
 W      decided. But in the third            with their round baby                which is used to try to

 A      month I lost the baby. I             bumps, and it felt as if it          induce ovulation. It didn’t
 R      had no idea what went                was only me who could                work, and this was when I

 E      wrong…                               not have a baby.                     really started to lose hope.
 E      “We started trying to con-           “Initially I kept my pain            “I had almost completely

 S      ceive again but for three            pent up as I didn’t want             given up on the idea of
 S      long years we had no                 to show the fragile and              falling pregnant natu-
        luck. Every month that               needy side of me to any-             rally and was researching

 2      it didn’t happen dragged             one. But later I just could          IVF procedures when I
 0      my spirits down. I looked  not contain it any more. It  stumbled up on a video on

 2      everywhere and anywhere  was too late by then, my                         YouTube.
 0      for tips on getting preg-            desperation to get preg-
        nant – from observing my  nant overwhelmed people  “It was a nutritionist, Dr

        body, to more unconven-              around me and nobody                 Marilyn Glenville, lectur-
        tional methods like astrol-          seemed able to help.                 ing other professionals on
        ogy and even tarot at one                                                 how to administer a PCOS

        point. Nothing seemed to             “I saw a family doctor               turn-around diet for their
        work.                                back in India and she                clients.

                                             declared I had PCOS. She
        “The never-ending cycle              instantly put me on the              “I listened to the entire
        of hope and disappoint-              diabetes medication Met-             two-hour lecture and all

        ment made me miserable.  formin, which is used to                         she said made a lot of
        I was not happy with my-             control blood sugar levels  sense. I was not extremely

        self any more, constantly            and can sometimes help               overweight but in recent
        looking for what I might             with the insulin resistance  years I had gained a cou-
        have done wrong to de-               that is associated with              ple of extra Kilograms and

        serve this bad luck and              PCOS.                                it was becoming very hard
        wanting to put it right so                                                to get rid of it. Dr Marilyn

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