Page 38 - February 2020 Issue Forensic PDF
P. 38

My Life’s Journey: Living with PCOS




        •      cervix                        removed.  After I hea-                       Photo Courtesy of  N

        •      stomach                       led from this experience                                                   E
        •      nose                          time had passed, maybe               cervix and uterus only                S

        •      uterus                        two months, at that point            because they removed                  S
        •      throat                        I decided not to continue            them through my vagina
                                             with the in vitro process            via laparoscopic.                     2

        Most polyps are benign,              because of all that had                                                    0
        meaning they’re noncan-              happened. I still experi-            I must honestly say ma-               2

        cerous. But because they             enced symptoms from the  king the decision to have                         0
        are due to abnormal cell             PCOS, which included                 a hysterectomy felt like
        growth, they can eventu-             heavy bleeding from my               sliding down a double

        ally become malignant,               menstrual cycle.                     edge sword. I felt this
        or cancerous. Your doc-                                                   way because I saved my-

        tor can help determine if            After some months passed  self from all the suffering
        the growth is a polyp by             the polyps grew back and             that I have been enduring
        performing a biopsy. This  at this point, I was over it,  for many years but I will

        involves taking a small              so I decided to get a hy-            never be able to birth a
        sample of tissue and te-             sterectomy. I had my hy-             child which is something I

        sting it for the presence of  sterectomy on September                     had always wanted to do.
        cancerous cells. (healthli-          2009; I felt like this was           The thought of the enti-                              the best solution for the            re experience still causes

                                             problems I continued to              me so much pain to this
        After this discovery I               experience. My hysterec-             very day. As I type I can

        found out that the polyps            tomy was a partial becau-            feel my eyes fill up with
        were benign; they were               se my doctor removed my  tears of deep sadness. But

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