Page 37 - February 2020 Issue Forensic PDF
P. 37

My Life’s Journey: Living with PCOS

        PCOS formerly called                 I was 36 yrs. old I came             flow of blood. I called the

        Stein Leventhal Syndro-              to the conclusion that it            doctor and he was confu-
        me.                                  was time for me to de-               sed at why I am bleeding
                                             cide if I wanted to have             so much. I went to see the

        I sat down with the doc-             a baby. I just got to the            doctor the next day and
        tor and he explained to              point that I did not want            he gave me a transvaginal

        me what PCOS was and                 to put it off anymore. I             ultrasound. The doctor
        that it was going to be a            went to the University of            discovered that I had an
        tough road and I had no              Pennsylvania where they              unknown mass inside of

        idea what he meant at                specialized in Invitro Fer-          my uterus that was cau-
        that time but he was so              tilization. I met with the           sing the excess bleeding.

        right. The doctor stared             doctor had an examination  He scheduled me for
        me on birth control Ortho  and everything checked                         emergency surgery two
        Triclen I took it for about          out positive. The doctor             days later. Once the sur-

        two years, but I experien-           told me everything looked  gery was over my doctor
        ced negative side effects            good and he prescribed               told me that I had a large

        with this form of birth              me a medication (I do not  mass of polyps growing
        control. I eventually stop-          remember the name of it)             inside of my uterus. I had
        ped taking birth control             that would shed layer off            never heard of polyps be-

        and stopped going to the             of my uterus so that the             fore but my doctor explai-
        doctors completely. I re-            lining would not be too              ned what they were to me.

        ally can’t explain why I             thick during the implan-
        did this I am sure it was            tation process. I took the           Polyps are abnormal tissue
        because I was young and              medication and it began              growths that most often

        did not feel I needed any            to work; you will expe-              look like small, flat bumps
        help.                                rience bleeding as if you            or tiny mushroom like

                                             are having your menstrual  stalks. Most polyps are
        I experienced a lot of               cycle.                               small and less than half an
        problems in the coming                                                    inch wide.

        years where my menstrual  Unfortunately, the after I
        cycle became more and                took the medicine I never            Polyps in the colon are

        more inconsistent and it             stopped bleeding. I notice  the most common, but it’s
        would stay on for a com-             that I was still bleeding,           also possible to develop
        plete month. This is where  and it should have stop-                      polyps in places that in-

        things in my life took a             ped by now but there was  clude:
        turn for the worst. When             a consistent very heavy              •      ear canal

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