Page 32 - February 2020 Issue Forensic PDF
P. 32

How To Reverse Polycystic Ovary

        REDUCTION IS AS-                     a community-based sam-               ovary syndrome. — NCBI
        SOCIATED WITH IM-                    ple of women with poly-                     Berberine — Exam-
        PROVED GLYCEMIC                      cystic ovary syndrome. —  ine

        CONTROL IN TYPE 2                    NCBI                                        An Update on Plant
        DIABETES MELLITUS:                          Effect of a yoga              Derived Anti-Androgens

        A PILOT STUDY — Pro- program on glucose me-                               — NCBI
        Quest                                tabolism and blood lipid                    The effect of cin-
               Effect of buddhist            levels in adolescent girls           namon extract on insulin

        meditation on serum corti- with polycystic ovary syn- resistance parameters in
        sol and total protein lev-           drome. — NCBI                        polycystic ovary syn-

        els, blood pressure, pulse                  Effects of a holistic         drome: a pilot study —
        rate, lung volume and                yoga program on endo-                Fertility and Sterility
        reaction time — Science              crine parameters in ado-                    Preliminary evi-

        Direct                               lescents with polycystic             dence that cinnamon im-
               The effect of flax-           ovarian syndrome: a ran-             proves menstrual cyclicity

        seed supplementation on              domized controlled trial.            in women with polycystic
        body weight and body                 — NCBI                               ovary syndrome: a ran-
        composition: a systematic                   Effects of supervised  domized controlled trial

        review and meta-analysis             aerobic training on the              — AJOG
        of 45 randomized placebo- levels of anti-Mullerian                               Sodium caprate aug-

        controlled trials — Wiley            hormone and adiposity                ments the hypoglycemic
        Online Library                       measures in women with               effect of berberine via
               The Effect of Flax-           normo-ovulatory and                  AMPK in inhibiting he-

        seed Supplementation on              polycystic ovary syn-                patic gluconeogenesis. —
        Hormonal Levels Associ-              drome. — NCBI                        NCBI

        ated with Polycystic Ovar-                  Resistance Exer-                     Magnesium — Ex-
        ian Syndrome: A Case                 cise Impacts Lean Muscle  amine
        Study — NCBI                         Mass in Women with                          Zinc — Examine

               Sleep Duration,               Polycystic Ovary Syn-
        Exercise, Shift Work and             drome. — NCBI

        Polycystic Ovarian Syn-                     A clinical study on
        drome-Related Outcomes               the short-term effect of
        in a Healthy Population: A  berberine in comparison

        Cross-Sectional Study. —  to metformin on the meta-
        NCBI                                 bolic characteristics of

               Sleep disturbances in  women with polycystic

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