Page 31 - February 2020 Issue Forensic PDF
P. 31

How To Reverse Polycystic Ovary

        Keto Academy, our fool-              in the Treatment of Poly-            Impaired Suppression of

 P      proof 30-day keto meal               cystic Ovary Syndrome:               Glucose Production and
 C      plan. It has all the tools,          A Systematic Review to               Stimulation of Glucose
 O      information, and recipes             Inform Evidence-Based                Utilization due to a Post-

 S      needed for you to succeed. Guidelines — Science                           receptor Defect of Insulin
        + The food has been tested  Direct                                        Action — Oxford Aca-

 A      and optimized so you can                                                  demic
 W      lose weight and start feel-                 1 Cause of Infertil-                 Abdominal fat and
 A      ing great!                           ity? Polycystic Ovarian              what to do about it —

 R                                           Syndrome — Dr. Axe                   Harvard Health Publica-
 E      Sources:                                    Herbal medicine for  tions

 N             Insulin Resistance            the management of poly-                     State of the science
 E      and the Polycystic Ovary             cystic ovary syndrome                of endocrine disrupt-
 S      Syndrome: Mechanism                  (PCOS) and associated                ing chemicals – 2012 —

 S      and Implications for                 oligo/amenorrhoea and                World Health Organiza-
        Pathogenesis — Oxford                hyperandrogenism; a re-              tion

 2      Academic                             view of the laboratory                      Effect of a low gly-
 0             Can My Diet Re-               evidence for effects with            cemic index compared
 2      lieve Symptoms of Poly-              corroborative clinical find- with a conventional

 0      cystic Ovary Syndrome                ings. — NCBI                         healthy diet on polycystic
        (PCOS)? — Healthline                        Chaste tree (Vitex            ovary syndrome — Amer-

               Polycystic Ovary              agnus-castus)–pharmacol- ican Journal of Clinical
        Syndrome (PCOS) —                    ogy and clinical indica-             Nutrition
        Deep Dyve                            tions. — NCBI                               The Effect of Flax-

               Beyond weight loss:                  Effects of Zinc               seed Supplementation on
        a review of the therapeutic          Supplementation on Endo- Hormonal Levels Associ-

        uses of very-low-carbohy-            crine Outcomes in Women  ated with Polycystic Ovar-
        drate (ketogenic) diets. —           with Polycystic Ovary                ian Syndrome: A Case
        NCBI                                 Syndrome: a Randomized,  Study — NCBI

                                             Double-Blind, Placebo-                      Differential effects
               The effects of a low-         Controlled Trial. — NCBI of walnuts vs almonds on

        carbohydrate, ketogenic                     Anti-androgenic               improving metabolic and
        diet on the polycystic               activities of Ganoderma              endocrine parameters in
        ovary syndrome: A pilot              lucidum. — NCBI                      PCOS. — NCBI

        study — BioMed Central                      Cortisol-Induced                     MINDFULNESS-
               Dietary Composition           Insulin Resistance in Man:  BASED STRESS

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