Page 27 - February 2020 Issue Forensic PDF
P. 27

How To Reverse Polycystic Ovary

        PCOS                                 weight (once again, the              women with PCOS.

 P                                           keto calculator will help
 C      The combination of the               you find that out)                   A recent meta-analysis of
 O      ketogenic diet, exercise,                   Exercise for at least         45 randomized placebo-

 S      quality sleep, and medi-             30 minutes every day                 controlled trials on flax
        tation addresses one of                     Meditate every night  seed supplementation

 A      the main causes of PCOS              before sleep                         also found that flax seeds
 W      (insulin resistance) in                     Make sure you are             help people lose weight
 A      many ways. The ketogenic  getting 7-9 hours of sleep                      and inches off the waist.

 R      diet limits the most potent  every night                                  They achieved this result
 E      stimulator of insulin se-                   If you need further           with a daily dose of ~2.5

 N      cretion — carbohydrates.             help with reversing PCOS,  tablespoons of whole flax
 E      Exercise makes the cells             consider using some natu-            seeds.
 S      more sensitive to insulin            ral supplements.

 S      and improves body com-               _____________________ Here are some ways to
        position and hormonal                ___________________                  add flaxseeds to your diet:

 2      levels. Quality sleep and            Natural Supplements That                    Put them on top of a
 0      meditation lower cortisol            Help With PCOS                       salad
 2      levels,  improving insulin           There are plenty of sup-                    Blend them into

 0      sensitivity and quality of           plements that can help               your protein shake or
        life.                                reverse PCOS is many                 smoothie
        Oops, did I lose you?                different ways, from re-                    Make a seed but-

        Here’s a simple break-               ducing testosterone levels  ter snack with them by
        down of the ideal PCOS               to improving insulin resis- grinding a couple of table-

        diet and lifestyle:                  tance. Here are the eleven  spoons of flax seeds into
               Restrict carbohy-             best supplements that help  a powder and blending
        drates                               with PCOS:                           some melted coconut oil,

               Eat high-fiber, low-                                               low-calorie sweetener, and
        carbohydrate vegetables              Flax Seeds                           cinnamon into it.

        with each meal
               Eat the right amount  Flax seeds are known to                      Cinnamon
        of protein every day (use            increase sex-hormone

        our keto calculator to find  binding globulin levels                      Many high-quality stud-
        out what that is for you)            and reduce androgen and              ies suggest that cinnamon

               Eat enough calo-              insulin levels, making it            helps reduce insulin resis-
        ries to achieve your ideal           an ideal supplement for              tance and restore ovarian

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