Page 30 - February 2020 Issue Forensic PDF
P. 30

How To Reverse Polycystic Ovary

        Reishi mushroom can help  You also can get plenty of  7 to 9 hours of quality
        reduce stress levels and             folate by eating broccoli,           sleep every night, and dai-           P
        inhibit 5-alpha reductase,           cauliflower, asparagus,              ly meditation, it is highly           C

        an enzyme that converts              kale, spinach, and cab-              unlikely you will still have          O
        testosterone to dihydrotes- bage.                                         or ever get PCOS.                     S

        tosterone. There are no
        studies on the effects that          _____________________                If you are struggling with            A
        reishi mushroom has on               ___________________                  the new diet and life-                W

        women with PCOS, but                 The Takeaway                         style, you can use various            A
        its ability to inhibit the                                                supplements to help. By               R

        production of dihydrotes-            Polycystic ovary syn-                supplementing with extra              E
        tosterone and reduce stress  drome (PCOS) is respon-                      carbohydrate consump-                 N
        make it a promising sup-             sible for as much as 70              tion in small amounts and             E

        plement for PCOS.                    percent of infertility issues  taking magnesium and                        S
        Vitamin B9                           in women. On top of that,  Reishi mushroom, you                            S

                                             it causes symptoms like              can relieve stress that may
        For women with PCOS                  acne, male-pattern bald-             be making PCOS worse.                 2
        that want to get pregnant,           ness, mood swings, weight  Inositol, zinc, apple ci-                       0

        vitamin b9 is essential.             gain, and fatigue, making            der vinegar, cinnamon,                2
                                             it a difficult disorder to           flaxseeds, and berberine              0

        To improve fertility, re-            have.                                are other natural dietary
        searchers suggest that               Fortunately, you can re-             supplements that can help
        women who are at a                   verse PCOS with the right  improve your health and

        healthy weight should take  combination of diet, ex-                      PCOS symptoms more
        400 micrograms of folic              ercise, sleep, and medita-           quickly as well.

        acid (one of the many                tion. The ketogenic diet,
        forms of vitamin b9),                for example, may be one              Throughout the process
        and obese or overweight              of the best diets for wom-           of reversing PCOS, make

        women should take 5 mg               en with PCOS because it              sure you consult with your
        of folic acid.                       reduces insulin levels and  doctor. He/she can order

        If supplementing with                insulin resistance (one of           different blood tests that
        folic acid makes you feel            the main causes of PCOS). will confirm how well
        worse, then try supple-                                                   your new diet and lifestyle

        menting with L-methyl-               When you combine the                 are working for you.
        folate or 5-methyltetra-             ketogenic diet with 30

        hydrofolate (5-MTHF).                minutes of daily exercise,  P.S. Have a look at the

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