Page 45 - February 2020 Issue Forensic PDF
P. 45

The Diet That’s ‘curing’ the UAE’s Infertile Women

        To what extent can life-             almost implies a crash               Black Cohosh has caused

 P      style factors help with              detox, which could po-               irreversible liver damage
 C      PCOS?                                tentially follow on with a           in patients. I don’t think
 O                                           massive binge, which isn’t  one can say try this diet

 S      Following a healthy diet             good for anyone.                     and you will conceive.
        and lifestyle can only                                                    This diet will only im-

 A      make things better. How-             Overall the recommenda-              prove one’s health and
 W      ever there is evidence that  tions are good, however                      make sure they are giv-
 A      for individual who are               there are arguments that             ing themselves the best

 R      overweight, even a small             if dairy is excluded, then           chances. It isn’t a given
 E      decrease in weight by 5%  one must make sure that                         however.

 N      can improve symptoms of  they are covering their
 E      PCOS including fertility             nutritional requirements             I think taking up a healthy
 S                                           for calcium, vitamin D,              diet, cutting caffeine, al-

 S      How does this PCOS diet              phosphorus, as well as               cohol, refined sugars and
        look in your medical opin- other essential minerals                       bad fats would be good

 2      ion – does it seem like the  and vitamins.                                for anyone who is trying
 0      sort of diet that might be                                                to conceive, PCOS or not.
 2      able to help with PCOS               As for the use of supple-            Being less sedentary too.

 0      and fertility?                       ments, these should be               When discussing PCOS,
                                             discussed with a health              it may help to reduce a

        The diet appears to simply  provider to make sure that  patient’s BMI, which as
        encourage the eating of a            they do not interfere with           we have already discussed
        very healthy diet. Overall           the breakdown or buildup  improves outcomes in

        it looks good as it cuts out  of any other medication                     PCOS patients.
        refined carbohydrates and  the patient may be taking.

        appears to favour whole                                                   WATCH Dr Marilyn
        and lean foods along with  Furthermore supplements,  Glenville’s full lecture on
        good fats.                           despite being natural, can           PCOS and diet by clicking

                                             still cause significant side  the link below::
        The issue is that it is only         effects and damage. For    

        for three months, which              example it is reported that

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