Page 44 - February 2020 Issue Forensic PDF
P. 44

The Diet That’s ‘curing’ the UAE’s Infertile Women

        cholesterol levels.                  action of insulin in their
        Diagnosis is based on:               body and produce higher              Weight can be lost us-                P

                                             levels of insulin to over-           ing exercise and having a             C
        ·      Irregular periods–            come this.                           balanced diet that should             O
        ovaries don’t regularly                                                   include plenty of fruit               S

        release eggs (ovulation)             This contributes to the              and vegetables, whole
                                             increased production                 foods (such as whole meal             A

        ·       Excess androgen –            and activity of hormones             bread, wholegrain cere-               W
        high levels of “male hor-            such as testosterone. Be-            als and brown rice), lean             A
        mones” in the body, which  ing overweight or obese                        meats, fish and chicken.              R

        may cause physical signs             also increases the amount                                                  E
        such as excess facial or             of insulin your body pro-            Medications are also                  N

        body hair. Found by con-             duces. However not all               available to treat symp-              E
        ducting blood tests.                 individual with PCOS are  toms such as excessive                           S
                                             obese or overweight.                 hair growth, irregular peri-          S

        ·       Polycystic ovaries –                                              ods and fertility problems.
        ovaries become enlarged              Polycystic ovary syn-                                                      2

        and contain many fluid-              drome (PCOS) can’t be                If fertility medications              0
        filled sacs (follicles) that         cured, but the symptoms              are ineffective, a simple             2
        surround the eggs. This              can be managed if a pa-              surgical procedure called             0

        is found on an ultrasound            tient has PCOS and is                laparoscopic ovarian drill-
        scan.                                overweight, losing weight  ing (LOD) may be recom-

                                             and eating a healthy diet            mended. This involves
        What causes PCOS and                 can make some symptoms  using heat or a laser to
        how is it usually treated?           better.                              destroy the tissue in the

        The exact cause of PCOS                                                   ovaries that’s producing
        is unknown, but it often             In overweight women,                 androgens, such as tes-

        runs in families. It’s relat-        the symptoms and overall  tosterone. With treatment,
        ed to abnormal hormone               risk of developing long-             most women with PCOS
        levels in the body, includ-          term health problems from  are able to get pregnant.

        ing high levels of insulin.          PCOS can be greatly im-
                                             proved by losing excess              Treatment options can

        Insulin is a hormone that            weight. Weight loss of               vary because someone
        controls sugar levels in the  just 5% can lead to a sig-                  with PCOS may experi-
        body. Many women with                nificant improvement in              ence a range of symptoms,

        PCOS are resistant to the            PCOS.                                or just one.

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