Page 18 - February 2020 Issue Forensic PDF
P. 18

I Overcame PCOS Without Any Medicines and had A Healthy Delivery

        10 pills a day, at that point        edge is power’ really took to  reducing my sugar intake to
        of time. I was shocked and           a new level.                         the bare minimum. I turned

        had a strong urge to take                                                 my back to all sugary and
        a second opinion. How-               My lifestyle underwent               aerated drinks, gradually
        ever, given the fact that she        a sea of change as I con-            started introducing colored
        prescribed strong lifestyle          sciously started imple-              fruits and vegetables in my

        changes, I thought                                                          diet, started hydrating my-
        I must give it a                                                            self properly and followed
        shot first!                                                                 a strict NO approach to all
                                                                                    fried food and sweets.

        Coming to my
        lifestyle, earlier                                                          Within a year and a half,
        my lifestyle was                                                            along with an exercise re-
        mired with bad                                                              gime and a drastic change

        food choices, a                                                             in my food habits, I had
        diet which con-                                                             come to a weight frame
        sisted of a lot of                                                          of 52 kilograms from 62
        aerated drinks,                                                             kilograms which was at

        junk and canned                                                             the peak of PCOS days.
        food, hardly any                                                            Sonography reports sug-
        green vegetables,                                                           gested that there was a
        hardly any home-                                                            positive reduction in my

        made food as well                                   Photo Courtesy of  PCOS condition, from be-
        as very little physi-                                                       ing severe to mild.
        cal exercise. All this attrib-       menting my new found
        uted to my market research           knowledge into practice.             Also, I had never felt more

        professional routine which           Some key changes I made              fresh and energetic in my
        didn’t leave me any time.            included exercising daily            entire life. I conceived natu-
                                             for 30 to 40 minutes, break-         rally within 6 months post
        For the first time in my life,  ing medicine cycle, and                   that!

        I started putting conscious          eating homemade food. All
        efforts to correct my condi-         green vegetables became              From being afflicted to a se-
        tion without any medicinal           a big part of my daily diet          vere case of extreme PCOS
        intervention. I started read-        followed by protein intake,          to conceiving and delivering

        ing a lot on health, nutrition,  completely omitting all bad  naturally, a full term healthy
        healthy lifestyle and food           carbs, drinking a cup of             baby, it was as if my life
        benefits. My belief on the           green tea daily, eating good  had undergone a full cycle.
        age old saying of ‘knowl-            fats like nuts and seeds and         I was conveyed many times

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