Page 16 - February 2020 Issue Forensic PDF
P. 16

How To Treat PCOS Naturally – An Inspiring Success Story

        acne, though I still get an          gynecologist asked me if             too.

        odd pimple during my                 my mother or sister had                                                    P
        period sometimes. I don’t  PCOS, I had no idea. It                        PCOD can be reversed                  C

        have bloating or water re-           turned out; they had no              using a holistic approach.            O
        tention before/during my             idea either! So many of us  Learn how to reverse
        period anymore, nor do I             ignore a skipped/missed              PCOD naturally with

        have any other sort of pain  period, thinking it to be a                  Sepalika’s 5-Petal PCOD               A
        while menstruating. The              minor inconvenience, but             Program. Our personal-                W

        last time I got blood tests          it really is your body tell-         ized protocols using a ho-            A
        to measure fasting glucose  ing you that YOU NEED                         listic approach help treat            E
        levels, it was down to 91            TO CHANGE THINGS.                    PCOD at the root through

        from 120, whereas my                                                      diet, nutrition, exercise,            N
        lipid panel showed healthy  In the end, I want to re-                     Ayurveda and magnet                   E

        triglycerides and HDL                peat – my PCOS diagno-               acutherapy. What’s more,              S
        levels.                              sis changed my life for              expert consults via phone
                                             the better. Today, I live a          and WhatsApp help you

        For so many of us, PCOS              healthier, happier, more             always stay on track in               2
        can go completely un-                active life and it shows.            your journey to overcome              0

        detected until we try to             All I had to do was to be            PCOD.                                 2
        get pregnant. I would’ve             patient and live the health-
        ignored the signs had my             iest version of myself, and

        periods not always been              that’s all you need to do
        so regular too. When my              to reverse PCOS naturally

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