Page 16 - Daggabay Magazine 8
P. 16
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Love comes in different forms,
Friendship, family, animals, hobbies,
and so much more but if we're talking
about love between a man and a Being in a commited relationship means
women or women and women or man that you have to protect each others
and man then things can get a little feelings because if you don't then you'll
complicated. just end up hurt and feeling betrayed by
the other person.
Two people from different
backgrounds, different life lessons, now Take your partner by the hand and sit
decided to live together. It's normal to down with him or her. Then tell them
not have much in common with your what is bothering you and help them to
beloved but one thing there must be in change for the better. Being in a
a relationship between two people is relationship should always make you a
respect. better person, you need someone who
can see your worth and believe in your
Respect is the best love you can give to ambitions.
your beloved, don't just wait for them
to finish talking, listen to what they Learn about each other and never hide
have to say and try to think about how things from each other, be open and
they must be feeling right now. We all honest. Women always needs a man to
make mistakes now and then, that's be open with her because she needs to
just part of being human, but you need be reassured the rest of your lives. If
to learn from your mistakes and realize you only make a women feel special
that you can't take back what you say or when you’re dating and not married,
do. Don't give your partner that bad she will think you traped her, because
memory of you freaking out because we don't change, we are always loving.
something was not going your way.