Page 18 - Daggabay Magazine 8
P. 18

The  other  game  is  about
                                                                         getting  to  know  the  things

                                                                         you want to know about your
                                                                         partner. You can use some of

      I  did  some  research  and  found                                 the questions I have found if

      some  amazing  games  that  will                                   you  cannot  think  of  more  or

      bring couples closer together, by                                  you  can  make  your  own
      learning  from  each  other.  I                                    questions.  Making  playing

      picked  2  of  the  best  games  that                              cards is also a fun way to ask
      will strengthen your relationship                                  your         partner           random

      and gives you the opportunity to                                   questions.
      understand  your  partner  better

      while having some fun.

      One of the games is a way to test
      how  much  your  partner  knows

      about       you      and       also     learn

      something          new       about       your
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