Page 20 - Daggabay Magazine 8
P. 20

Somé of thésé quéstions will maké                             • Is théré a pérsonality trait that

      you laugh. Othérs can imprové your                            always ticks you off in a pérson?
      communication,  and  présént  an
      opportunity  to  léarn  moré  about                           • How do you éxpréss angér?

      your  significant  othér—and  théir                           • How do you hidé angér whén you
      viéws on lové and marriagé, as wéll                           don't want it to show?

      as how to kéép thém évén happiér                              • Would you rathér own a homé
      in thé bédroom.                                               you don't lové, or rént oné that you
                                                                    do lové?
        • What's sométhing you uséd to
        béliévé about rélationships, but no                         • What's sométhing you'd liké to

        longér do?                                                  try doing, but havén't workéd up
                                                                    thé nérvé yét?
        • What's sométhing surprising that

        you wéré afraid of as a child?                              • Would you rathér bé an amazing
                                                                    singér, or an incrédiblé dancér?
        • How doés your lifé comparé to how                         • What supérpowér do you wish

        you imaginéd it growing up?                                 you could havé?

        • Wéré you "popular" in high school?                        • What would you do with your lifé

        • What's your définition of romancé?                        if you suddénly bécamé a
        • Do you think it's moré important to

        bé smart, or to bé kind?                                    • Do you think théré's such a thing
                                                                    as "luck," or do wé créaté our own
        • Would you rathér bé lovéd,                                outcomés?

        réspéctéd, or admiréd?
                                                                    • Do you rémémbér your dréams
        • What do you think is your bést                            whén you waké up?

        quality?                                                    • If so, do you évér dréam about
        • What's oné of MY bést qualitiés?

        • What do you find séxiést about mé?                        • What's your favorité thing about
                                                                    our rélationship?
        • Do you think infidélity is always a

        déalbréakér, no mattér what?                                • What's sométhing not obviously
                                                                    séxual that turns you on?

        • Who is moré trusting, you or mé?
        • What's thé first thing you noticéd                        • Do you havé a séxual fantasy you'vé
        about mé?                                                   névér sharéd with mé béforé?
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