Page 5 - Daggabay Magazine 8
P. 5
It is the season to be pulling up males but don't
despair, you can put those leaves to great use!
The following makes a delicious and extremely
nutritious pesto that you can have on biscuits, Pinch of salt to taste and freshly ground
bread, pasta or even as a dip. It wont get you black pepper for taste.
high but will give your body the nutritional
boost it needs! Method:
A word of caution –if heated the leaves can 1) Put the leaves, garlic, sunflower seeds
make you feel sleepy, so be sure to add the and oil into a food processor and chop
pesto only after your food has been removed until the ingredients make a green
from the heat! paste.
2) Add the shelled hemp seeds and lemon
Ingredients: zest and mix thoroughly into the
1 Cup fresh cannabis leaves 3) Add salt and pepper to taste.
3 Cloves Garlic peeled 4) Keeps for a month in a sealed
1/3 cup roasted sunflower seeds container in the fridge.
1/3 cup olive oil
3 tablespoons shelled hemp seeds
Half a lemon zest