Page 207 - Library
P. 207


                                                 Bachelor of Science in Information Technology

                                                                                                   Level III Phase 2
                       considering the number of school days; April got the lowest utilization
               of books for the reason of School calendar vacation.

                       On the other hand, the most frequently borrowed books were fall under

               the classification of 300-Social Sciences where this classification was present

               /used in all courses, while 100 belongs to Philosophy considering that there
               are only few subjects under this classification. Books under 200-Religion were

               the least mainly because no subject/program that was offered under it.

                                     Library Clientele's Satisfaction Survey
                                                    S.Y. 2020-2021

                       The        library  The  library   The         library   The      library  The
                       collections:         services    &  physical set-up:  staff                computers,
                       (useful,             programs        (conducive,         (competent,       online
             Scale     updated, easy to  (useful,           enough  space,  friendly,             resources,
                       find, etc.)          timely          functional, etc.)  mannered,          webpage:
                                            valuable,                           etc.)             (useful,
                                            etc.)                                                 timely,
            Excelle            53                57                60                  68               71
            Very               48                53                49                  50               41
            Good               19                14                14                  7                13

            Averag             1                  0                 1                  0                 0
            Poor               1                  1                 0                  0                 0

                                                                    68               71                 Excellent
                                   57  53           60
                      48                              49               50
                                                                                       41               Very good

                                         14              14                               13

                           1 1             0 1              1 0           7  0 0             0  0       Good

                    The library     The library      The library     The library staff  The computers,  Average
                collections: (useful,  services &  physical set-up:    (competent,  online resources,
                 updated, easy to  programs (useful,  (conducive, enough friendly, mannered,  webpage: (useful,

                    find, etc.)   timely valuable,  space, functional,    etc.)     timely, valuable,   Poor
                                      etc.)            etc.)                            etc.)

                    “Quality Education for Service”              P a g e  21 | 301
   202   203   204   205   206   207   208   209   210   211   212