Page 210 - Library
P. 210
Bachelor of Science in Information Technology
Level III Phase 2
Library Clientele's Satisfaction Survey
S.Y. 2018-2019
The graph shows that majority of the clienteles are satisfied with the online
services of the library. The computers and other online resources help them to cater
their needs like searching topics, encoding and others. They can also contact us
through our FB page where they can chat or e-mail their needs like books and e-
books and others. But in over-all the office of the library and information services
caters the needs of the clienteles in which it provides quality, reliable and updated
resources that will help the client easy to find information and other concerns.
Some comments, suggestions, and recommendation of the client:
1. Very useful more table and chairs in the library
2. Continue your excellent services.
3. The computers are useful for research activity to student.
4. It’s better to have air-conditioned.
5. Provide more books/add more computers.
6. High internet connection.
7. The library will improve further. “Quality Education for Service” P a g e 24 | 301