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             famous Painting in History

             It is a wonderful intellectual game when one also thinks about   We're talking about paintings that show things that are only
             art that could be different - in order, as art, to then come up   now evolving and appearing in art history. Which didn't exist
             with of course so much stringency and evidence that the   before, but which could have existed very well, very logically,
             "other" can only be the way it is now, becomes an "as it will be".  based on this very story.
                                         Example: Jan Vermeer, while he portrayed a geographer and an
             One can stop the steady flow, the transitory, the literally hap-
             O n e   c a n   s t o p   t h e   s t e a  E x a m p l e :
             pening. The temporary is the history of art. What is arresting, in   astronomer in powerful images, he could also have portrayed a
             turn, is the search for a space for his personal original version   philosopher. Maybe one he might have known from his neigh-
             of art for the collector not of names but of pure beauty. And   borhood. And one that we still know today. So why didn't Ver-
             the moment that is held on to is the attempt to replace the   meer paint Baruch Spinoza? But maybe he has?
             story in its "that's how it was" with an alternative
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