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P. 38
The revue of things that are not painted and are now Appropriation is the appropriation of an artistic identi-
painted is thanks to the diverse efforts of the artists ty that can be reconstructed from the past. At times
of the WP&WR French Riviera Art Collective, who have better than the source.
perfected various artistic signatures. With Goethe's What would Raphael be without Perugino, Leonardo,
term one could say "They have adopted the manners and then also Michelangelo, whose idiosyncrasies he
of the heroes of art history." assiduously took under the nail. What would be the
famous acts of deception, Michelangelo's Bacchus, or
Anton Raffael Mengs' Jupiter and Ganymede, with
which they thumbed their noses at the connoisseurs
of antiquity of their time.
Again, and again history has experienced such an ad-
A g a i n , a n d
dition, such an extension into the fictitious. And even
without any historical-philosophical background, the
masters knew that the events in which they are in-
volved could also take a different course.