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P. 35
Francisco Goya could have painted the very bloody slave libera- Gustav Klimt could have created a self-portrait, even if he him-
tion in Haiti, in which the revolutionary ideals of the “mother- self denied it, the Viennese sucked it up with their mother's
land” France and its very real early capitalism clashed. milk, out of the whim of a compensatory necessity, because
the faculty pictures that go through his head in the background,
Among the many ships he recorded at port entrances and exits, were a fiasco.
William Turner might have come across the Beagle, on which
Charles Darwin sailed to later develop the first systems theory, Why couldn't the heroes of the Blue Rider all paint the house in
the theory of evolution. Murnau - in a doubling of the group portrait principle - to also
include Gabriele Münter, who owned it, in the homage, where
she traditionally gets neglected. And it would also have been a
friendship picture, because one of them, Heinrich Campendonk,
also took a portrait of her while she was being portrayed