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                             R.PERUMAL                                                      - 2019 - 2020
      APRIL 2020

         My dear Children,
                        Warm Greetings from
         the desk of Principal. Velammal, an
         icon in the land mark of India, takes
         pride    in    designing,     developing,
         publishing and presenting the report
         on the activity blended education in

         the year 2019-2020.
         The start of every year is like turning
         a new page in the life of a student.
         It’s main objective is to give vital              Parents are the real motivators for the
         inputs to create concept formation,               students and they travel along with
         cherished by our tradition & culture              the teachers for the success and
         and edify perception. The activity                achievement of the students.
         based learning is more creative,                                I firmly believe that our

         innovative, challenging and is more               effective teachers create excellent
         fun.                                              opportunities        by       integrating
                        I    would       like     to       innovative technological tools and
         appreciate and encourage our beloved              resources     to    enhance      learning,
         students     who      have     set    high        thereby interpreting the student’s
         expectations with regard to academic              performance       data,    and     design
         performance,        and     co-curricular         assessments      that    promote      21st
         activities. I humbly appeal to our                century skills.
         energetic parents to spend valuable
         time with your ward at home to                    With regards,
         discuss his/her time at school.                   Mr.R.PERUMAL
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